Chapter 2:The Sleepover

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Monika was at her house getting it ready for the sleep over until she heard the door bell rang and went to open it to see Sayori.

"Your here early" Monika said.

"Yes, well, someone must be here to make sure you don't hurt yourself" Sayori replied and Monika looked away.

"Let me see your arms" Sayori said, it wasn't a request or question and Monika showed her.

"Okay, the cuts that you made this morning are healing" Sayori told her.

Sayori looked at Monika who was looking away.

"Moni? It's okay baby, I'm not mad, come here" Sayori said as she opened her arms and Monika walks in.

"How about I help you make the snacks? I don't trust you around a knife" Sayori told her and Monika nodded into her neck.

"And if we finish making them all before Suki and Yu arrive we can cuddle together and maybe watch a movie" Sayori suggested and Monika nodded her head yes in her neck.

Sayori helped Monika with the snacks and cuddled her until they heard the bell rang.

Sayori was the one to open the door.

"Hey guys!" Sayori greeted.

"Hello Sayori, you're here early" Natsuki said.

"Yeah.. Well, come on in!" Sayori replied and let them in.

Monika was on the couch watching a movie and looked to the entrance of the living room to see Natsuki and Yuri.

"Hey girls" Monika greeted.

"Hello Moni" Yuri replied.

"What should we play?" Natsuki asked.

"Truth or Dare!" Everyone else replied.

So they sat down and began to play.

"Moni, truth or dare?" Sayori asked her girlfriend.

"Truth" She replied.

"Did you have friends before us?" Sayori asked.

"No.. Not really, everyone thought I was a freak and most of my classmates bully me" Monika replied while looking away.

"Oh, I guess we're similar" Yuri said.

"Alright, let's move on, Yuri truth or dare?" Monika asked.

"Dare" Yuri replied.

"I dare you to make out with Nat for five minutes" Monika said, smirking.

Both Yuri and Natsuki went beet red.

"Fine..." She agreed.

End of chapter.

A/n:How should Natsuki and Yuri be told the truth of what happened?

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