Chapter 3:The Truth

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Yuri and Natsuki started making out which made Sayori squeal.

"Okay, Sayo, it's your turn! Truth or dare?" Yuri asked.

"Truth" Sayori picked. "Why did you really come to Monika's house?" Yuri asked.

Both Monika and Sayori stiffened.

Sayori looked at Monika to silently ask for permission and Monika nodded her head yes.

"Well, do you want the whole truth?" Sayori asked and both Natsuki and Yuri nodded their head yes.

"Well, the reason I came here early was to make sure that Moni didn't self-harm" Sayori began.

"Why would she?" Yuri asked, worriedly.

"Because she's been doing for a while now" Sayori answered. "B-but why!?" Natsuri asked.

"If I tell you, would you get mad at her?" Sayori asked.

"Depending on what it is but no" Natsuki replied.

"Well, in the Original time line, you guys including my self died" Sayori began.

"What do you mean Original time and died?" Natsuki asked, confused.

"Well, me and Moni are the only ones who remember but once Mc joined the club in the first time line we all fell in love with him" Sayori explained further.

"Really?" Yuri asked. "Really" Sayori confirmed.

"We're all game characters and Monika and me plus Mc are the only ones who are self aware".

"G-game characters?" Yuri said, shocked.

"Yes, we're not real. Mc could always choose between us but Monica was never an option since she was a game file and that made her jealous. The president role makes anyone who becomes president go insane so when Monika did fall in love with MC, she had to get rid of the Competition" Sayori told them.

"Get rid of the competition how?" Natsuki asked, curiously.

"I-I'll be right back, I'm going to the bathroom" Monika told them nervously and got up.

As she left Sayori looked at her worriedly.

"Well... First it was me, I confessed to Mc and whether he accepted my confession or not, I.. Committed suicide" Sayori revealed. 'I still tried to but this time Moni stopped me' Sayori didn't say but thought.

"Next was Yu, she also confessed to Mc but...." Sayori trailed off.

"But?" Yuri pushed.

"When they accepted you stabbed yourself" Sayori replied.

Both Natsuki and Yuri were horrified.

"H-how about me?" Natsuki stuttered.

"You... Your eyes were black and glitchy and you... Snapped your neck" Sayori told her.

"What happen to Moni?" Yuri asked.

"Mc deleted her to bring us back and when he did..... I became self aware and insane like Monika but she saved Mc and deleted me and apologized then she deleted the whole.... Game.."Sayori explained.

" If she did delete the whole game, how are we here?" Natsuki raised her eyebrow.

" She couldn't live without us so she found a way to undelete the game and got us back me, Moni and Mc are the ones who remember also... The reason Monika wanted to do this because she found out that we're not real and also she loved the person behind the screen the one who was controlling Mc, not Mc themself" Sayori finished explaining.

End of chapter.

A/n:I decided to make Mc use He/she/they pronouns.

Should I make Sayori use they/them pronouns?

Do you guys also want Monika to be trans Mtf? As well and she uses she/they pronouns.

The next chapter will be angsty but besides that what else do you guys want to happen?

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