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The cliff stood tall and imposing, its jagged edges cutting into the horizon like a blade against the sky. I stood there, my heart pounding in my chest, as I watched him teeter on the edge, the abyss below calling out to him with its siren song.

I couldn't have watched him jump off that cliff. I just couldn't. The thought of witnessing such a tragic end was too much to bear. So, without a second thought, I lunged forward, my hands reaching out to catch him before he could take that final plunge.

It was a close call, his body mere inches from the precipice as I pulled him back from the brink. For a moment, time seemed to stand still, the world around us fading into a blur as we stood there, locked in a silent embrace.

But then he pulled away, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and gratitude as he stumbled back from the edge. Then his phone buzzed and without a word, he turned and ran, disappearing into the darkness without so much as a goodbye.

I couldn't shake the memory of his fragrance, the warmth of his embrace lingering in the air long after he was gone. It was as if I had been touched by something otherworldly, something inexplicable yet undeniably real. And yet, he left without a trace, leaving me with nothing but questions and a sense of longing that refused to fade.

Days turned into weeks as I tried to make sense of what had happened, but his memory lingered like a shadow in the recesses of my mind. And then, just when I thought I had moved on, fate intervened once more.

I saw him falling, his body tumbling down the stairs with terrifying speed. Not him again, I thought, my heart clenching with a mixture of fear and resignation. But I couldn't stand idly by. I had to help him. It was as if destiny had brought us together once more, our paths intertwined by forces beyond our control.

I rushed him to the hospital, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Why was I like this when we first met? What was his impact on me? I was confused, lost in a sea of uncertainty. But as I handed him over to the doctor Stone, a sense of defeat washed over me.

How I wished I could have been there for him, to ease his pain and mend his broken spirit. But I didn't even know his name. At least I helped today, I thought, a bittersweet smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I drove off into the night, the fragments of destiny swirling around me like a whisper in the wind.

After some couple minutes, I had arrived at my destination, the restaurant where my friend worked.

The warm glow of the restaurant's interior greeted me as I stepped inside, seeking refuge from the chaos of the outside world. Stacy, my dear friend and proprietor of this cozy establishment, spotted me immediately and came running with open arms.

"Liam, darling, it's been ages!" Stacy exclaimed, her eyes alight with excitement as she enveloped me in a tight hug. "You look like you've been through the wringer. What's been going on?"

I sighed heavily, the weight of the day's events pressing down upon me like a heavy burden. "Oh, Stacy, it's been one of those days," I confessed, sinking into a nearby chair. "Let me tell you all about it."

And so I did. I recounted the harrowing tale of how I had saved a stranger from the brink of death not once, but twice – first from a perilous cliffside, and then from a treacherous fall down a flight of stairs. Stacy listened intently, her expression shifting from concern to shock as she hung onto every word.

"Liam, that's... incredible," Stacy breathed, her eyes wide with disbelief. "It's like something out of a movie. Maybe it's destiny, dear. Maybe you were meant to be there for him."

Before I could respond, Stacy's boss's voice cut through the air like a knife, sharp and biting. "Stacy, you moron, get back to work!" he bellowed from across the room.

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