♔ 8 ♔ Mrs. Wilkins sucks eggs

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♔ 8 ♔ Mrs. Wilkins sucks eggs

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"Detention after school! How could two possibly not think of the consequences of pulling a prank like this?! This is-- this is abhoring!" To say that Principle Whitmore was mad would be an understatement.

He was flipping outraged.

I sighed and stood up, accepting the detention slip from him. I gasped at the paper that was in my hand.

"One week of detention?!" I asked Principle Whitmore. His eyes widened at my outburst. Ashton shook his head and just grabbed my arm,bot giving me a chance to cuss out the stupid principle. I hated him so much!

"Hey," Ashton called out softly, bringing our bodies to a halt and our arms touch. I felt a tingling feeling when our arms touched. His brown chocolate eyes stared right into my eyes and he gave me a reassuring smile. "One week of detention is much better than being suspended or expelled."

I nodded my head an sighed irratibly. Detention with Mrs. Wilkins was super boring. Since Mrs. Wilkins is a Physical Education teacher, we have to do stupid exercises. And trust me, I hate exercising.

Ashton obviously didn't know what detention was like since it's his first year here. He did not know what was coming for him.

. . .

"Give me 50 pushups." Mrs. Wilkins demanded. See, this is why I absolutely hate getting detention. One time, she made us climb trees. That did not end well . . . I broke my butt when I fell off a branch.

I groaned and dropped to my knees, spreading my arms far away fro each other Here goes nothing.

My arms felt numb by the 25th pushup. Ashton on the other hand had already completed the 50 push ups.

I struggled through the other 25 pushups. Ya see, when it comes to sports, I suck . . . just like Mrs. Wilkins sucks eggs.

Our next task was to run around the whole building 15 times. Well, that's what we haw to do for the rest of the week.

By the time we were dismissed from the devil, we were drenched with sweat and our bodies were extremely dorr. My legs felt like they were going to break any moment and my arms felt the same. I could barely even lift them.

I sighed, leaning against Ashton's chest,who was panting heavily. It was currently the last period of the day and we had to get our stuff, but of course I was too exhausted to even move. He sighed and pushed me off of him.

"C'mon, Ky. Let's go home. Could you actually give me a ride?" He asked, pouting his lip. Gosh darn, he looked so attractive doing that.

I shook my head out of those negative thoughts and nodded my head. He grinned victoriously then turned around to open his locker. "He grabbed a notebook that always seems to be with him. I was curious about what was in there . . . it definitely wasn't a notebook for school, because he carried it everywhere.

I ignored my curiosity and together we walked out of the building. Suddenly, he slung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer. I smiled at myself. He was so warm and the smell of his cologne just made him look sexier all those that makes no sense.

Oh Lord. Why am I thinking all of these thoughts about him? I wiped the smile off m face and replaced it with a straight as we reached my car.

1. It was spray painted pink, and I flipping hate that color.

2. the glass was shattered. (A/N: this actually happened to my family's car except it wasn't spray painted. everything that was in the car was STOLEN. an ipad air, a briefcase with really important information in it, beats by Dre, a GPS, a book bag, a laptop & other stuff was stolen from us and the glass was shattered. please pray for my family. thank you)

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