♔21♔ Conscious

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♔21♔ Conscious

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. . .


I heard distant mumbling. The last thing I remembered was being in a lunch room with my friend Ashton and my ex, Jace.

I don'g remember anything else, but all I do know is that my butt and my head hurt like flipping crap right now.

I dragged my right hand up to touch my face. My mouth felt huge. Numb. Swollen.

What happened? I must have been beaten to death. I didn't feel any liquid or anything, so that means that I wasn't bleeding.

That's good.

"She fell at school and..."

"Yeah, then she just blacked out. She wouldn't..."

"Oh God, my poor baby!"

"I've got disappointing news. Ugh, I feel so horrible."

Those voices... They sounded like Ashton, Dr. Yamin, mom, & Jace. Why did I hear Dr.Yamin's voice? Was I at the.. hospital?

Oh no. Something bad happened to me, but I didn't know what.

I finally decided to open my eyes and sat up. I sat up a little too quickly, because a sharp pain shot through my head as I did so.

"Owwww..." I mumbled groggily, reaching up slowly to rub my temples.

"She's awake!" Ashton and Jace yelled in unison.

I glanced at Dr. Yamin and he smiled sadly at me.

Why was I in the hospital? Better yet, in a hospital bed with a swollen mouth?

My doctor got up and dragged his rolling chair towards my bed. He sat down and then looked down at his clipboard. Just then, mom stood up and ran towards me, then engulfed me in a hug.

"Ow, ow, ow." I muttered as mom gave me a bone crushing hug. Her muscles relaxed.

"Sorry sweetie. You've been sleeping for a while now, I was just so scared." She pulled away and then bent down to kiss my forehead.

I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned. "How long have I been asleep?" I asked, bringing my hands up to my head to scratch it.

"About 6 hours," Ashton responded. He walked up to me with a sad smile on his face. What was up with the sad smiles? "Hey best friend. I've missed you. You scared me; don't ever leave me like that again, you hear?" He demanded as he bent down on both of his knees. He grabbed my hand and slightly squeezed it.

"What do you mean by I left? Did I die and come back to life?" Ashton chuckled softly and shook his head.

"You were unconscious." He explained.

I was so confused. I don't even remember anything that happened. "But... Why was I unconscious?"

He sighed and ran a hand through his curly locks. "You fell in the cafeteria."

Realization dawned on me. "Oh. I remember now." I admitted, now feeling better now that I knew what happened to me.

"Yeah..." He ran another hand through his hair. "Dr. Yamin has something to tell all of us." He must have been nervous. His hand seemed to be running through his hair almost every 5 minutes.

"Oh, um okay." I said as I sat up straighter. Dr. Yamin cleared his throat then looked at me.

"This is going to be very hard to say." He sighed and looked down at his clipboard. Mom stood up and walked towards me. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "While you were sleeping, your mother and this young man, Ashton, has explained to me that strange things have been happening to you. Like swelling up, hair loss, fevers, and so on. Now, I've had a lot of patients come in and tell me that they've been noticing the same exact signs. So I know exactly what's up."

"What's going on?!" I asked, my heart beating rapidly. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

"Mrs.Summers... You've-- you've been diagnosed with leukemia."

The words hit me like a wrecking ball. I knew this would happen. I just knew it!

Suddenly, uncontrollable tears starting coming out of my eyes, non stop. No matter how furiously I wiped them out of the way, they just kept on coming. My mom was now bawling her eyes out as well, her arms were wrapped around me and her tears were rolling off of her cheek onto my hospital gown.

My eyes stung with every tear that came out. My throat got even dryer with every time I hiccuped. My stomach churned every time I thought about it.

Ashton was sitting in a chair with his face in his hands and his shoulders were trembling. Jace was sitting on the floor with his arms wrapped around his legs.

Dr. Yamin sat on his swirly chair sitting his silence. He had a frown in his face as he watched us cry.

This couldn't be happening.

. . .

November 30th, 2 months later. . .

It was now winter time. It was currently 29 degrees in California. My beanie was covering my head, with the little hair that I had. I had a nude scarf wrapped around my neck and my black peacoat securing my body.

Ashton sat next to me as he drew into his yellow notebook. "Darn it." he muttered as he ripped the paper out and crumbled it up. He threw it into the air and I watched roll down the snowy hill.

"What are you trying to do?" I asked, laughing a little bit. I looked down at my clammy hands; they were freezing cold. I forgot my gloves!

"I'm trying to draw you, but you can tell that obviously I'm failing." He mumbled irritably. Apparently, he's been trying to draw me for the past 15 minutes as we sat outside in the cold. We found this special spot in the park where we go often, more specifically every Wednesday. We sometimes came when one was sad, or one was bored. But this spot was just a spot for the both of us to relax and calm down.

'Our spot' was located in the famous park of Cali, on a steep hill under a large tree. "Then try again later, don't get upset. Let's get something to eat, Ash. I'm hungry."

Ashton sighed. "Fine." He put down his notebook then stood up, brushing his hands on his jeans before standing up. He extended his hands towards mine and I gladly took it. Once I was standing, he placed his right had behind my back to keep me steady. I've realized that whenever I try to stand up, I get dizzy and lose my balance.

We walked together (carefully) down the steep hill. He guided me towards his car, and when we reached it, he opened the for for me and helped me sit down into the passenger seat. "Really Ashton, I can help myself sometimes. I can sit down in a car." I mumbled, rolling my eyes at him. He's been way too nice to me recently, trying helping with every single little thing. I understand that he wants me to be okay, but I can do somethings by myself, you know what I mean?

"I just want to make sure that you're okay, Ky." he responded as he plugged the keys in and turned the heat up.

I sighed then turned my head to look out the window then in just a few minutes I fell asleep.

sorry, extremely short chapter .

i almost cried when writing the hospital part, but i didnt .

omg, well the news is out.

who almost cried or did cry on this chapter? :(

oh em effing gee . i cant believe it !

hope you guys enjoyed :) you all probably hate me for making the doctor diagnose her with leukemia :( but it had to be done!

so yeah, thats all for this chapter . i love you guys dearly .


j j t h e u n i c o r n

p.s, if you actually read these notes at the end of every chapter, i absolutely love you <3

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