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Oberon sat on the throne, the air around him rippling and overloaded with magical energy that sent his hair into an uproar. He tapped his finger on the throne once.

One wingless Fae on this planet.

He tapped his finger again.

Two Fae species left.

He tapped his finger yet again, jamming his finger down on the stone.

Three Fate's outside of his control.

He grabbed his whole hand in a fist and slammed his hand into the stone throne, "I SAID KILL HIM!"

Kyl stood there, his body was slowly trembling, he had to maintain his fear, "But the curse is out of his possession."

Oberon stood up with a jerk, swiping his hand to the right as he said, "I SAID KILL HIM!" Oberon held his fist tightly, as Kyl felt his fear crescendo, the magical energy whipping his hair as well, blowing his clothes against him as Oberon stepped forward and grabbed Kyl by the shirt, "If I say kill, you kill."

Oberon leaned down, his head a few inches above Kyl's, his eyes lit with rage as he grabbed Kyl's arm, and with a squeeze shattered the bone, "Am I understood?" His words dripping with rage as Kyl finally understood the power of Oberon.

Oberon rules through fear, and he manages to do that through his power. In that moment everything clicked for Kyl as he understood that at any second Oberon could kill him, and it wouldn't even phase him. Oberon could probably fight every single Fate and not have a worry through the whole battle.

Kyl nodded, only for Oberon to yank down on Kyl's arm, "Say it. SAY IT!"

Kyl's self control vanished, his entire body trembling as he said, quietly, "Understood."

Oberon shoved Kyl back from Kyl's arm and shirt, as the skin on Oberon's hand ripped itself off of his body, and the skin slowly decayed into a dark black. With the shove Oberon opened his mouth and let out a simple wordless shout of anger, and punching the back of the throne, it shattered, and the chunks of stone went into the wall behind the throne as Oberon turned around, and that was when Kyl noticed that Oberon's eyes were pale. They were a pale gray that was devoid of color.

Oberon pointed his finger at Kyl, his palms healing as he said, "AND WHAT OF MATHEW?"

Kyl paused, the man was still stuck in his scythe, in Kyl's personal chambers. He went to tell him that, and a thought struck Kyl. Mathew was strong, he just needed a better host.

"I killed him."

Oberon grabbed the base of the throne, and without a single sign of difficulty picked up the massive stone, that easily weight a ton, and threw it, "WHY DID YOU KILL HIM AND NOT KAIN!" Oberon reached forward, and Kyl's head from the back, jerking his head down, and held his hand above Kyl's head.

Kyl immediately shouted, "Please! Not my eyes! Please!" He felt tears run down his face. He was... Crying? He felt what was left of his pride crumble as Oberon said, "If you don't kill him, I'll take your eyes, your pride," he leaned forward, his smile growing, "And your soul. Understood?" Kyl was nodding, ripping some hair out of his head as he nodded as quickly as he could.

Oberon threw Kyl to the ground, he stood there a few moments seething with anger as he reached into his cloak and removed the head of Seldrina.

Kyl remembered grabbing it. He had told her that he was going to free her soul, and that Kain would know how to find her. He was right on that regard. Since the curse had left Donovan after he and his twin had died, Kyl knew it was going to Kain next. New to the curse, other sources of magic would cause interference, and that was the quickest way to find her tomb.

Over two hundred thousand years ago she was born, the strongest wingless Fae to live. She had decided that her kind would be the only kind of Fae to live. There was a battle between the Fall and Spring, with both of them being defeated.

After that, a few mages got together and made their own Wingless Fae to hunt her down, and the result was that the Winter Fae lost most of their population, and the spring and fall were pushed into extinction.

Her body had been buried after most of the world banded together. The orcs, the elves, the remaining Winter Fae and Summer Fae, and even a whole platoon of Tertiary dragons.

Seldrina died after she had forced the sun to stay up the whole battle, feeding her powers, for 18 whole days. She only died after she surpassed the 30% of energy available. With the wingless Fae, when they use too much of their magic, there's not enough to keep them alive. Her corpse, 8'7, was chopped up and dispersed across the world, as her magic dwindled slowly.

Oberon had been looking for it after he had learned two valuable lessons. The first was that by expelling small amounts of magic he could make a charged area of magic around him. The second was that he could take the souls from his citizens and use their souls as a battery. With that, he wanted to find Seldrina's soul.

After Kyl had found it, he grabbed her head, it was almost as big as his abdomen, the ears were almost a foot long. Her eyes were a harsh and violent purple, and when Kyl grabbed her head, and exited the Crypt, where he had to kill countless amounts of thralls ensnared by Seldrina, she had said, "You are not strong enough." The sun then lit up in a bright arc, and scorched Kyl's entire body.

His entire body was covered in blisters, boils, and sores. He had to carve his own skin off to get it to heal.

Now her head has shrunk, and her eyes were a soft velvet. Oberon grabbed her head and drained magic from her head.

He had tried to take her soul, and she threw him into the wall, shattering his bones, and he had to subdue her by pumping magic into her. So, he carried her head with him so he could take from it.

Oberon began to drain her from her energy and rips cut right through his body, his violet blood running down his arms and back as the magic cut through his body, and finally, after a few seconds, he put her head back into his cloak.

Oberon swiped his hand, and the throne returned. Oberon sat back down on it, since grabbing his flesh and healing it, as Kyl watched a large rip through his face heal. Oberon finally said, "I want him dead. In the next ten hours." Oberon tapped his foot once on the ground as he asked, "Any update?"

Kyl shook his head.

Years and years ago, when Oberon was far younger, he married a princess. One night, in a fit of rage, he killed her, and gave her body to his new subjects. As his tyranny grew, they hid her body, and now he was desperately looking for it.

Oberon nodded, "Then that's all. You have a son to kill." Oberon waved his hand, and Kyl stepped out of the throne room, and ran to his chambers. He grabbed Mathew's scythe, and ran out of the castle.

The harsh antarctic wasteland, blood littered the ground. Mere feet away from the castle was the beginning of a concentration camp for winter Fae. Between 80 to 300 years old, and Kyl knew they were there for when Oberon no longer had Seldrina to take from, and there was more labor to be done. Kyl looked up, to see the massive platform. Oberon's floating city.

It was supported by eight large pillars, bringing the whole platform three hundred feet into the air, and a large staircase was embedded into the side of the largest of them. It had taken years, but it was almost done. Kyl felt revolted at it. More than a few hundred Fae's had thrown themselves off the building, preferring death to living. With that sick thought, Kyl crouched down, and shot energy through the earth as he lept.

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