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I stepped out of my car, right in front of the main gate which directly led me to the open space of the event. Fairy lights adorned the whole place. The writers we were currently working with, had set up their spaces with their works. I could see some new faces, mostly women.

I found Geetika, one of our bestselling authors and Mr. Anil Chabra, the audaciously honest literary critic of this generation, standing together. But they weren't the only ones. They were talking to someone. A woman, whose back faced me, wearing the richest shade of burgundy a dress can be made of. It wasn't until Samiksha went to her and she turned, that I realized why my eyes found her amidst everybody else.

Ira. My heart did a whole cartwheel upon seeing her, looking like a Goddess in that dress. Hair done in some braided hairstyle. Gold earrings. Elegant heels. She looked like the goddess of beauty. I don't think she realized my presence as she smiled brightly and waved at somebody.

I wasn't supposed to be standing still but I couldn't help. It was as if my legs froze to take in the sight before me. Within a few seconds, she turned completely, and her eyes met mine. And just like the first time, everything and everybody else besides her blurred away. I never wanted to look away from her. And more importantly, I never wanted her to look away from me.

"... Sir, Sir, can we have two minutes of yours?" Somebody said, loud enough to break the fairy spell I was in. The blurred surroundings came into focus again and Ira was checking her phone now, that's when I realized media had surrounded me. It wasn't until Pragya came to my rescue; I was freed from those obnoxiously tiring interview questions. She had reasons to save me, as our investors were looking for me, but nonetheless I was grateful.

After my meet-up with our investors, I stalled around some new writers observing how people were engaging with their content. Slowly I moved to the actual book stalls that were set for people to purchase books published mostly by Rainbow and some other publishers. While eyeing the pile of books, a name caught my eye. The Predator I Couldn't Hate. By some Louisa Wellmark.

Louisa Wellmark.

I saw her books on Ira's shelves. I didn't know what the content was, but she must have liked them enough to actually keep them on display.

I bought the book instantly, hoping it would give me a way to finally have a word with her. Few weeks ago, I was smiling over my victory of not having to scheme or plan ways to talk to her. Little did I know that I'd be back to this in no time.

I let out a sigh.

I called for the waiter serving the drinks and took a glass of Veuve Clicquot. Sipping on my drink, observing every corner and every face visible from my position. After a long evening of portraying myself as the CEO of Rainbow, I was finally feeling insignificant for the first time. Media, greetings and meetings, and participating in the "professional-yet-friendly" conversations with everyone were way more tiresome than I thought it to be.

But now, as I stood here, a little far from all the important people and media, I felt relaxed. More like me.

I swirled my drink before taking a sip. If only Vidit could have made it to the event, I wouldn't have been so bored. Or if Ira was around... My thoughts stirred up. I hadn't seen her since the evening I first saw her. Did she leave? I don't think so.

I slowly, ever so insignificantly started looking for her. My eyes wandered everywhere with no sight of Ira. After a while, I spotted Samiksha, speaking with a man. He had an ID hanging which meant he was definitely one of the reporters.

Maybe she would know something.

But I couldn't even take a whole step when a faint sound caught my ears.

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