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My alarm clock rang at its usual time, but my head felt too heavy to leave the bed. I managed to lift my hand up, which somehow had become five times heavier than usual, and snoozed it and finally dragged my body up on my bed.

It'd been a while since I called in sick on a working day. Even if I was actually sick. Work kept me busy and happy, and it had always been a fair trade. I probably would have worked today if Aryan hadn't threatened to fire me if he had seen me anywhere near Rainbow's building.


My thoughts then drifted to this absurdly handsome man. Yesterday was one hell of a day. I couldn't remember the last time I spoke about my... problems with somebody like that. Of all the people in my life, I didn't have many people to share my life with, other than Sam. She was the only person who knew every little detail about me.

But now, Aryan knew some of it too. He was my boss and I didn't trust him enough yet to tell him things that I said yesterday. I didn't know if it was because he saved me from the bigger accident that could have happened to me, had he not come. Or because I actually felt safe enough with him, to let him have that piece of mine.

By the next two hours, I pushed myself to brush and make myself some toast and tea, as I had medicines to take. By the time I was done having my food and had taken my meds, I cocooned myself in my blanket again.

I wasn't sleepy yet I decided to stay in bed. It was one of those rarely lazy days I had once in a while. And I was very sure my body needed that. I traced the bandage on my forehead. The area still hurt and the fact that I would need to dress it again was something filling me with dread. Sights of blood and I were never good friends. And I didn't know how ugly it looked.

The sky had started turning golden, so I decided to face my fear and re-dress my wound. It wasn't like anybody would come to rescue me. And how bad could it be anyway?

I dragged my feet to the backlit vintage hanging mirror on the wall beside my bed. My rental studio apartment didn't have enough space for a full-fledged dressing table. But with a side table below that pretty hanging mirror worked fine. To be honest, it looked better than owning an actual full-length mirror.

I exhaled and laid eyes on myself. I didn't look bad compared to how my body was feeling. My eyes had a faint hint of bags under them, but it wasn't anything a concealer wouldn't hide.

I stared at the blood-stained area of my bandage while chewing on my bottom lip.

You got this!

My hands went behind my head to untie the thing, but I was interrupted by my doorbell, which scared the crap out of me.

I wasn't expecting visitors. It definitely wasn't Sam, as I hadn't told her yet and the chances of her knowing from somewhere else were slim. I tiptoed towards my door and peeped through the peephole. My brows furrowed at who I saw on the other side of the door. His back faced my door but I knew who it was. There wasn't any way I would mistake that figure and that hair and those suits for anybody else.

I opened the door and looked at him with a scowl on my face. He turned his face towards me and his mouth flashed one of those smiles that he only spared me. His hand held a really pretty bouquet which, if I wasn't wrong, had almost every flower that existed on the planet. How did he even managed to get so many varieties, I wouldn't know.

My eyes flickered between him and his bouquet.

"What are you doing here?"

"Checking on you." He said holding out the flowers to me.

To Not Love Mr. Perfectly FineWhere stories live. Discover now