Promise | 1

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"Nishinoya Yuu!" He says while he points to himself with his thumb. "The star libero of Karasuno's volleyball team!"


𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙋𝙊𝙑

Karasuno?  You ponder over the familiar word. A light bulb goes off over your head. 

"Karasuno!" You shout with glee. "That's where I would've gone if I wasn't hospitalized!" 

Nishinoya's eyes widen. "You're a highschooler?! I thought that you were a middle schooler!" 

"What! I'm not that  small!" You say in playful anger. "If anything, you're smaller!" 

"That's not true! Stand up!" He says, glaring at you as he walks over to your bed. 

You shakily stand up, this being the first time you've gotten up for something other than physical therapy. 

"See! I'm taller than you!" Nishinoya measures your height against his. 

"It's only a little bit! Maybe just a few centimeters!" 

"I'm still taller!" 

"Hmph! I bet you suck at volleyball because your short!" You stick your tongue out. 

"I don't suck! I actually won the best libero overall award in middle school!" He says proudly. 

"You're a libero?" Your say with sparkling eyes. "If I wasn't in the hospital, I would've loved to play as a libero." 

"You like volleyball too!?" This time, it was Nishinoya's turn to have sparkling eyes. [kira kira~]

"Mhm! I like it a lot! My dad played for his school, I think it was Shiratorizawa. He really loved it as a kid, so naturally, I picked it up too! He was a middle blocker, but I always loved the liberos. It's so cool when they can save the ball before it hits the ground. They're like a guardian!" 

"A- ahem. Yeah well you know, I'm actually one of the best liberos in the prefecture!" He says with pride. 

"Really! That's amazing! You said you play for Karasuno right? Does that mean that their one of the best teams in the prefecture?" 

"Well, I think that we're pretty good! The first years we got are amazing! We actually have a practice match with Aoba Johsai soon." 

"Wow, I wish I could watch you." You say sadly. "But the doctors said I can leave this hospital by next spring! When I leave, the first thing that I want to do is see the cherry blossoms bloom in person! I've only ever seen them from the window."

"Then why don't we go see them together? I know this one spot where there's a singular, secluded cherry tree!" Nishinoya says happily. 

"Alright, when the cherry blossoms bloom!" 


wassup bitches and bros and non binary hoes 😼

i've had absolutely now motivation but i wrote this chapter just for u guys 😘
also srry to tall ppl, just pretend ur short 💞

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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when the cherry blossoms bloom | yuu nishinoya x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now