Chapter 10

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TW self inflicted mental abuse, self hatred, depression, mentioned self harm

The door of the Goldstein sisters' apartment swung open. Tina jumped up from the couch. She had a very strong feeling where Queenie had been. Sure enough, as Queenie stepped through the doorway, Tina saw someone else still outside. Jacob Kowalski.

"Thanks for walking me back, honey! I'll see you real soon." Queenie said. She kissed Jacob goodbye before shutting the door and finally noticing Tina.

"Queenie, what are you thinking? How is he not still obliviated? And why are you still seeing him?" She found herself almost shouting.

"I didn't return his memories! Don't pretend that's not what you thought, I'm a legilimens! The potion only erased his bad memories, and he barely had any!" Queenie objected.

"As if that matters! You're still seeing a no maj! Mercy Lewis, Queenie, you could get arrested!" Tina shouted. Was it going to take Queenie getting arrested for her to understand what she was doing?

"You'll never understand! I love him! And he loves me! We'd never let anything get in the way of that! It's not my fault that you've never had anyone like that!" Tina was shocked, but also outraged. How dare she?

"Excuse you?" But Queenie didn't even let her finish.

"Don't pretend! You're just jealous that my man actually wants to be here, with me! Newt doesn't love you, and he never did! How else would you explain this?" She picked up that copy of Spellbound and threw it at Tina. It landed at her feet. "And honestly," Queenie continued, "I'm starting to understand him. All you do anymore is police me! Well, guess what Porpentina? You don't get to ruin my love life just because yours demolished itself!" With that, Queenie turned and marched right back out the door, slamming it behind her without even a second look. Tina couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't do anything. Her sister's words had been like a knife, stabbed repeatedly into her until she was barely held together by a thread, moments away from shattering into a million pieces.

She's right. Oh, is she right. Tina began shaking as she bent to pick up the magazine at her feet. She hadn't even noticed that she was crying until a tear landed on the cover. Her hands clenched into fists, crumpling the edges of the magazine as her heartbreak, rage, and betrayal resurfaced all over again.

"DAMN YOU NEWT SCAMANDER!" She screamed, hurling the magazine directly into the fireplace. It was as if that act had completely drained her, and she let herself fall, laying directly on the floor as she violently sobbed. She was completely alone, and it was all because of her. She should've said something sooner, tried to keep Newt here just a little longer, made her feelings more clear. She should've let Queenie carry on seeing Jacob and not been blinded by her own heartbreak.

You pushed Queenie away, just like you pushed Newt away. Now who do you have? You're all alone now. And you deserve it.


Tina barely even knew what to feel anymore. Queenie was gone. Left to join Grindelwald. She knew she was furious and heartbroken by her sister's betrayal. But she also knew who she should actually be blaming.

I pushed her away. I thought I pushed her away in New York, but now she's really gone.

She heard footsteps and looked behind her. Newt was approaching her. He stopped a couple feet away from her, seemingly unsure of what to say.

"I...I know you may not want to talk about it yet, but...I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that Queenie...did what she did, and I'm sorry for the pain I caused you over the article. I wish I had seen it sooner, so I could've written to you." She could see the genuine regret in his eyes, along with pity.

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