⭐️Texas Hold 'Em

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Beys POV
Chris picks me up and spins me in the air and the 5 nurses in my room clap and hooray for us.
Bey: I can't believe it! We're gonna be parents!! Wait a second
Chris: I know! What's wrong baby?
Bey: he kicked me in the stomach
Nurse: *comes back in room* we ran some of your tests and seems like your 3 weeks pregnant. But god saved you girl cause it looks fine so far.
We do a sigh of relief. They gave me an ice pack for my head and I didn't even need any meds because the joy in knowing I'm gonna have a baby is adrenaline rushing. We so happy but also I feel dumb af. I shoulda known considering my period late and my mans nutting in me every day. The light headed ness, cravings, mood changes. Damn I'm dumb. But I'm glad I know now. We sign out papers and we get back to our car and we can spot a flood of paparazzi running. We get in and Chris speeds off back twoards home. I put the ice pack down cause I feel the bump goin away and I don't have no head ache anymore. I'm so happy. He pulls into the drive way and we get out skipping to the door like kids, cheesing. As soon as I lock the door, I turn and see oooh this bitch! Michael's wife come up behind my hubby and attempts to hit him on the head with a pan but I shove him out the way and I grip her hands tryna get it out if hers. My hands slip from hers and she wacks me to the ground

 My hands slip from hers and she wacks me to the ground

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I'm a bitch from Texas. Ain't lettin no bitch beat me the fuck up. Chris tries to trap the pan from her and pushes her against the wall tryna snatch it when she tried kissing his ass. After he doges, she knees him in the stomach and he falls down.
Mia: what's wrong Chris? You've never seen a real woman body like this?
She drops her short purple silk robe and is butt naked.
Bey: *laughs* you really tryna cheat on ya own man's?
Mia: I'm sure he wouldn't mind. Chris is so fucking sexy. After I Michael and I fucked and his sexy ass was knocked out, I went upstairs. And took a peek and saw Chris huge dick. My pussy was throbbing. I-
I didn't even let the bitch finish talkin shit and ran up on her and beat the fuck out of her.
Chris POV
My baby goin full on Houston Texas on this whore ass right now. Beys beating her almost to death at this point. Mia only got 1 punch to Bey and it was right in her right titty. Horrible fighter. I go and grab Bey and suddenly I look up and see Michael bitch ass come out of nowhere and pull Mia apart. And some other officer?

I put Bey behind my back as Michael was calming Mia down and another officer tryna intervene

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I put Bey behind my back as Michael was calming Mia down and another officer tryna intervene.
Chris: I'm gonna get all ya-
Michael: I came to get my girl. So shut the fuck up. I brought your stupid car back cause I realized I woulda been followed too easy.
Officer: cmon y'all. Cars out front. Our patrol officer gon think somethin up with me.
Michael: y'all go ahead in and Mia put your robe back on sexy ass*throws her robe*
They walk out the door and hurry into an police car.
Michael: can we-
Bey: get the fuck up out my house!
Michael: y'all be safe now😑
He leaves and slams the door.
Bey: how the hell they even get in?
We walk all around the house together and notice our sliding door in the back of the house was broken in. Damn, gotta fix that soon now. We walk into the kitchen to find something to eat.
Bey: as much as I hate that bitch, she's her body ain't all that bad. Did you notice her tities?
Chris: yea. They were so fuckin hot. And her pussy was so wet.
Bey: excuse you?!
Chris: I wanna fuck her so bad. I think her name is Beyonce though.

 I think her name is Beyonce though

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Bey: you mean*slides shirt off* these tities? And *pulls shorts down* this pussy?She rubs her tities in front of me and ofc I fuck her brains out

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Bey: you mean*slides shirt off* these tities? And *pulls shorts down* this pussy?
She rubs her tities in front of me and ofc I fuck her brains out. After a few hours of us fuckin, we lay in the soft sheets and I spoon her rubbing her stomach.
Bey: can't believe you put a baby in me
Chris: I can. I only nutted in ya 1,000 times
We giggle and I kiss her neck a few times and hold her tight.
Bey: I love you baby
Chris: I love you both.
Bey: I wonder if it's a boy, will he be like a Texan like me or a Virginia boy.
Chris: either way, he gon be perfect and lil southern. And I'm sure they'll fight just like their mama. And daddy.
Bey: it's genetic! You've seen the way I kick ass and the way Solange kick Jays ass and my mommas whipped many asses in her lifetime too.
Chris: speaking of, how we gon tell em?
Bey: I don't kner yet, but we'll figure it out.

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