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Beys POV
We wake up at the same time and it finally stopped raining but the sun is bright as ever. And it's gettin hot. I realize I still feel Chris inside me.
Chris: good morning my love
Bey: good morning handsome
We kiss and he leans up off of me and slowly pulls out and I spread my legs and our cum rivers outta me. He goes back to limp but even not hard, it's 8". And heavy. And thick. He helps me stand up and damn we starting to sweat just being out here.
B&C: I gotta piss.
We laugh and he stands and I squat and release. We finish and head back into the car. He turns the car on and blast the a/c. Before he puts the car in drive, my mouth can't stop salivating on looking at his dick. I lean over my and put my mouth on it. He squirms a bit but then relaxes and it stands straight back up. I grope his balls as I suck and slurp all on his dick. He pushes him head down and I use my other hand to stroke and suck at the same time. I make it extra loud and sloppy and eventually, without warning, he cums and groans loud. I swallow it all cause spitters are quitters and I show him me swallowing his nut. He pushes me on my back on this bench seat and slides in me again making the car shake and we sweat all over as I grab his shoulders. The a/c couldn't get us cool enough. He's plowing my pussy for over an hour and nut and after nut in me. We do a final kiss and we sit back up and he slides out and we watch our mess again. Poor seats.
Chris: you think we gon have a baby?
Bey: my love, I might have octuplets with the amount of times a ha.
He drives off and we're beyond happy. Having sex and knowing Jolene will never be a problem again. I unbuckle and scoot over to Chris as we at a red light. It's the country so ain't no paparazzi in sight.
Chris: mmm baby. What ya sexy ass doin?
Bey: mmm this.
Right before I sit on his dick, a cop comes up with lights behind us. Fuck! Chris pulls over and we start sweating. I put a/c on full blast hoping it calms our nerves. We can't even reach for our clothes back there in time.
Bey: fuck what do we-hey mm boy what ya-
Chris: he ain't finna ask us nothin when he sees me fingering you.
Bey: ugh daddy. Mmm ok. Ugh fuck
His fingers are so clean and long. I grip the seat as he keeps curling them in me. The cop finally walks up and rolls our tinted window down. I make sure to be extra loud.
Cop: Beyoncé? Chris Brown?
Chris: thats us.
Cop: um Beyonce is everything ok? And why are y'all-*sees Bey being fingered* oh. Well I'm sorry to say but driving naked is illegal and uh. Im sorry you both but we gotta take ya to the station.
Chris: *pulls fingers out and sucks on them* I'm sorry what do you mean?
Cop: umm *blushes and is a bit turned on* well witnesses said you were near the crime scene of Jolene. We just wanna bring ya down for questioning.
Chris: what? She died? How?
Cop: all will be explained at the station. I'd put ya both in my car but uh. Y'all are naked. Got any clothes back there?
Chris: *lies* no. Tbh, we left the house and ripped them off in the car and we fucked. Hard.
Cop: wow, y'all are really dirty as you guys sing about it.
Bey: sir. I promise you we don't know nothin.
Cop: we'll see about that. You know the station two blocks away and to the right?
B&C: yes?
Cop: I will follow you guys there. If you try to run, we will catch you so don't try it.
Chris: ok officer-Ealy? Wait a minute, didn't you use to be an actor?
Cop: I was. Now cmon now

Beys POVHe walks away and we look at eachother nervous

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Beys POV
He walks away and we look at eachother nervous.
Chris: you're such a tyrant.
I laugh and slap his arm
Bey: shut up. What we don do baby if they make us take a lie detector test?
Chris: I think there might be a trick to it. But I think I can talk our way out of this. Here *reaches in back seat and grabs a blanket*well cover in this in the mean time until we park.
We cover eachother in the blanket and drive.
Chris: what was ya bouta do before officer cockblock showed up?
Bey: ride you while you drive. Make you feel so good inside me.
Chris: fuck! I want it so bad. You freak.
Bey: though we may never see eachother again after jail.
Chris: we're not goin baby. Just let me handle this.
Bey: if it's the last time we see each other, I-
Chris: baby, we ain't going to be in jail!
Bey: if you say so daddy.
Chris: shit, I might be one soon huh?😄
Bey: definetly.
Chris pulls in and officer Ealy been on our ass the whole time. We park and he gets out and walks over to us. I put the window down and I turn the car off.
Officer: alright y'all, ive got a blanket in my car you can cover up in one of y'all.
Chris: officer, can I ask you a question?
Officer: sure.
Chris: you got kids?
Officer: yes, three of them
Chris: well you see, we are a very horny couple. Ya know we like to spice things up and do you remember making your kids?
Officer: *smiles thinking back to making his kids* yea I do. If we're being honest, it was so good makin love with my wife, knowing I was gonna-besides the point-
Chris: I was about to pull over and put a baby inside her. I love this woman officer. We want a family and are you going to quesiton a couple who was making love, kill Jolene at the same time?
Officer: *sighs* witnesses say y'all's car, this one, was in the same spot around where she died. Convenient it was the same day where she died. See what I'm sayin.
Bey: *let's blanket loose, revealing her boobs as if she dosent notice* officer, let's be real. Look at us. Do we got blood on us. Ain't no weapons. How would we do that?
Officer: so if I inspect I don't know...the trunk yall wouldn't mind?

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