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Hi everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to share something that's been on my mind. As I prepare to publish the next chapter tomorrow, I've noticed that only a couple of readers are commenting on my chapters. I truly appreciate those who do, but I'm hoping to hear from more of you.

Your feedback means the world to me. It's what helps me grow as a writer and keeps me motivated to continue. This is my first time diving into a full-fledged story on my own, and I'm pouring my heart and soul into each chapter. I want to ensure that I'm creating something that resonates with all of you.

When I ask for your opinions—whether about the story's direction, the cover, or even the title—it's because I value your input. I don't just want to hear the good stuff—I want to know what you think could be better too. Your thoughts, whether they are praises or suggestions for improvement, are invaluable to me.

Writing isn't easy. It involves brainstorming ideas, crafting engaging dialogues, and piecing together a narrative that keeps you hooked. I pour my heart and soul into every word, and your feedback is the light that guides me.

I know some of you might feel that I'm asking for too much, but please understand that I'm looking for a connection with you. Each comment, each vote, each piece of feedback, no matter how small, tells me that you're with me on this journey. I respect the time you dedicate to reading my work, and in return, I'm asking for just a bit more of your time to let me know your thoughts.

I'm not the most confident person by nature, and when I don't hear back from you, I start to wonder if I'm meeting your expectations or justifying the story I'm creating.

Starting and continuing to write this story, especially after stepping into someone else's shoes, has been a challenging yet rewarding experience. I want to honor the promise made to you all to see this story through to the end, and your engagement helps me stay motivated.

Please, share your thoughts with me—what you like, what you think could be better, and any suggestions you have. Your feedback is the fuel that drives me forward.

Thank you for taking the time to read this note and for being a part of this journey with me. I look forward to reading your comments and continuing this adventure together.

With gratitude❤️🙏🏻

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