Chapter 6

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The sun rises on yet another wonderful day, waking up any and all and prompting them to get ready for the life they have ahead. Students grouning for yet another time of school, office workers moving like robots without any more life in them, and kids running to their parents room excited for a new day of fun and exploration.

Among these faces though, (Y/N) shows a peaceful look while he's still asleep. His figure quietly enjoying the time of slumber that he was given. A smile visible on his face as he rolls slightly away from the rays of sunlight that was about to hit his eyes.

As he was enjoying his rest, cooking can be heard from outside his door. The sizzling sound of food being fried and plates being placed on the table. After a minute, the stove seemed to have been turned off as footsteps quickly got closer to the room. Each step seemingly playing a tune as it made it's way.

The door creeked open slightly, as a woman poked her head in before looking at the bed and smiling at (Y/N)'s sleeping figure. Giggling to herself she opened the door fully, slowly making her way towards the window on the opposite side of the door. Placing her hands on the curtains with a mischievous glint on her eyes. She then smiled brightly before opening them showing a beautiful view of the sun, rising above the other houses.

The sun's rays illuminating her entire body showing it's features fully. The long white hair that she keeps lose, blue eyes with a hint of purple filled with life and joy, a simple white dress that flows elegantly on her smooth brown skin as she moves, and a bright smile on her face.

She then skipped towards the bed and started to shake (Y/N) gently. "Hun, time to get up" her gentle voice rings around the room as she leans closer to her sleeping lover.

(Y/N) groans slightly not wanting to wake up yet and also thinking to mess with her abit. He then turned his body away from the girl making her slightly annoyed at his antics. "C'mon! You told me we're going out today" She said with a pout on her face as she shook him more.

Letting out a sigh (Y/N) lazily reached out for her hand that's still shaking him and pulled her on the bed, turning his body to face her and trapping her in a tight hug. The girl blinked a couple of times processing what just happened before blushing slightly getting cought off guard.

Giving out a slight sigh of her own, she placed her hands on his chest. Her eyes drifting to a gold colored ring on her finger shining on the sunlight. She then went to lean herself into the hug more and look up at (Y/N) only to see him awake with a slight smirk looking down at her.

Letting out a groan, a pout made it's way back to her face as she looks at her husband annoyed. 

(Y/N) stared at her for abit and couldn't help but chuckle. "I think it's time to get up lov-" he was about to say with a teasingly smug tone only to see his wife already glaring daggers at him making him quickly stop.

Letting out another sigh she calmed down and hugged (Y/N) burying her face into his chest. "The food's going to get cold, you know" she said still slightly annoyed.

"Alright alright, let's get up" (Y/N) said trying to raise his body from the bed and get ready only to feel his wife weighing him down abit. Looking at her, he raised a brow questioningly slightly confused on why she wasn't following suit.

"Your carrying me" she demanded trying to make herself sound strict. 

(Y/N) just looked at the girl for a second and couldn't help but find what she's doing adorable. He then chuckled, quickly wrapping his arms around her and standing up making her squeak from the sudden movement. He then started to make his way downstairs with his wife getting comfortable in his arms.


The silence of the night proved deafening, everyone going back to slumber in order to have enough energy for the next day. A time of solace in the normally loud and chaotic streets. 

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