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in collage 

I was waiting for IN and I wished he had come earlier I really wanted to talk to him but when he is in front of me I have absolutely no idea what to say I humiliated the poor boy so much I have no face to talk to him what does he even think about me 

some students started to come by I was still expecting him but he didn't come . after a few more students he came in with Felix and he went off to the back and sat . they were both laughing and talking so much I hated that hes so close with him I hated how Felix touches him and holds him it isn't fair 

so before I start the class I want everyone to hand in the homework 

everyone came forward to give it . IN and Felix gave it in a crowd so I could barely catch IN when I did catch him at least thats what I thought it was some girls hand that I took I cant help it he always wears some bracelet it looks like he has girl hands that too his fingers are so long and feminine so are his nails ii wonder why his nails are long only on his right hand and I wonder why he has so many random bracelets on his other hand 

"ohh sir u need anything" she said in a very seductive voice I was clearly disgusted with it so I let it go saying it was an accident she tucked her hair bit her lips and went back to her seat I wish it was IN who was biting his lips at me ive noticed him bite his lips at Felix and that kid han too god I hate that 

I started teaching I wanted to somehow get IN to talk to me even if it was just about studies "does anyone wanna tell me the answer to the first one?"

some kids raised their hands but IN didn't he was still doing it "ill give you guys some more time I want everyone to do it "

after about 1 minute I saw IN stop writing 

anyone who wants to tell me the answer ? I saw the same hands raise up but IN didn't raise his . "IN sweetheart want to tell me the answer?" he got startled when I called upon his name . he hesitantly got up and he told me the answer he sounded pretty confident so I though ill mess with him . 'ARE YOU SURE DEAR?' everyone were so surprised to see that I was actually calling him nicknames

'"yes sir" he said and he seemed pretty confiydednet "good boy thats the correct answer" 


bro why is everyone staring at me I asked to Felix cause everyone were staring at me 

sir called u sweetheart darling and dear thats not normal 

oh but he called me all of that on my first day here

then he must like you 

oh please im sure im very far away from like 

yeah but then again he never calls anyone those names 

that got me thinking why'd he do that will he go back to being mean and aggressive was it just a phase or something ? does he have bipolar like me does he feel the need to just give hope into someones life and then take it away hes so hard to understand I thought to myself 

finally class was over and I ran off I really wanted to go home I was walking down the corridors and I saw hyunjin sir coming behind me he was trying to catch up to me and I wasn't in the mood to talk so I went into a crowd and finally he lost me and I ran away I missed the rest of the classes but I wanted to take rest I went back to the cafe I fell asleep after about 3 hours I woke up and the manager asked me to go get some food for everyone he gave me some money he asked me to get bread and some butter and some pastry for me and my friends 

I wnet to the shop and it was a good day I thought to myself when I reached over there the people who worked as cashiers were always very judgemental and would judge me as I looked very poor and couldn't afford anything which was true I really hated those cashiers 

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