car rides

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the car ride was quiet at first . I knew that IN won't make the first move so I was supposed to be the one who's gonna talk first 

so what do u like doing in your free time 

violin guitar bass and I love to play the piano and since there is a karaoke bar there me and my friends all sing there 

my friends and I 

okay okay my English is horrible 

its alright ... how long have you been playing all the instruments ?

since I was 4 I started violin and later picked up the others I only recently started to play the bass I really want to learn the harp 

wow thats awesome 


you have a beautiful voice im sure you can sing very well 

thank you sir but I sound like some rat is dying 

haha no im pretty sure u can sing well 

I sound like a girl is singing my voice is different when I sing 

u sound like a girl otherwise too u have a high pitched voice 

yeah I know it is most people say that it sounds good but idk

it does it does. hey also what u said to that Man U are so very mature for your age IN really what u said u made that mans day 

well yeah if you have a family its really such a blessing 

it is it is 

we finally reached and he ran in to his fiends and get them the pastries and gave the manager the bread and butter 

I went and sat for dinner there I ate and I left cause I figured IN would be with his friends and didn't want to interrupt

the next day at collage

I was waiting for everyone to come and IN no longer comes early or late hes always perfectly on time I hate that I wish he would come earlier . all the students came in . I started teaching after giving a few sums I asked for yesterdays homework 

they all got up but I asked them to come row wise so that I could see IN clearly when he gives me the homework I wonder when he did it I hope he dint stay up all night ti finish it I had given so much 

everyone came and I checked if they had done it 

IN and Felix gave their homework and were running back to their places so I pulled IN back by his pants I might as well have grabbed his waist but we were still in class I dont think that would be okay 

he got so scared he was shivering ." good boy" I whispered to him and he ran back to his seat thankfully no one saw me pull him towards me so that was great 


I was randomly going and giving in the homework and he pulled me by my pants I was so scared what if people saw why is he doing this why did he pull me in so close he whispered "good boy" it felt nice to hear that but why was he being nice was my point 

I sat back and I was being all weird I asked Felix "did u see what he did"

what did he do 

he pulled me by my pants 


oh for real why would he do that 

hes weird and weird and weird 

haha yeah he is that was so scary tbh 

its alright try ti avoid him as much as possible 

yeah probably I hate that we have to go all the way front to give our homework 

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