^ep5!! party^

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|| I'm so sorry i have been so busy with life and shit, I hope i can be more active and stuff and again i'm so sorry, i have changed a little abt my style hope u guys injoy it<3||


The next day!

i woke up on the couch, "ah shit.. my back hurts" i said to myself, wait... i remember what happened last night.. FUCK omg omg omg why did i say that?? ugh.. things are gonna get more awkward from now..oh.! I saw tara texted me
Hey girl, what happened last night with u and Johnnie??

oh yeah nothing really happened but i did called him "handsome,hot, funny and cute" in front of him :)))))))))


ok so we were watching a movie and he fell asleep on my shoulder OR SO I THOUGHT and i said "he is so handsome, hot, funny and cute at the same time" and he said he heard me..😔

What. the. fuck. jaw dropped ong HE SLEPT ON UR SHOULDER??? girly he def likes u 😋😋

Nuh uh, he probably thinks i'm some kind of weirdo 😭

oop girl i gtg jake is calling me bye babes

oop ok girl byeeee<33


i got up and went for a shower and do that all boring stuff,then my phone suddenly ring it was Jake? i picked it up "hey Jake, did something happened?" i said "no, i just wanted to ask if you want to come with us to a party tomorrow night" "uh sure but why couldn't tara text me, i thought she was with you" i said "oh her phone died" he laughed "ohhhh okokk"
"i got to go now byeeee" he said "bye jakeee"

shit.. i have to go to work now fuck, i got done and went to work at hot topic,


i accidentally bumped into someone i looked up and it was johnnie "Ah.. shit sorry johnnie."
i said nervously "nah it's okay, what are you doing here anyways?" he said "oh i work here" i laugh a little so did johnnie "ooohhhhh i didnt even know u had a job, i can visit here everyday then" he said as he winked at me, i rolled my eyes

"whatever bro" i said as i punch his shoulder in a friendly way "okayyy, your going to the party rightt?" he said "yeah, of course, i'm such a party girl" i said jokingly, we both laughed "hey do you wanna have lunch with me?" i said with a smile "yeah sure"


"im gonna go now, yk work, uhmm cyaaa!" i said as i waved at him with a big smile "okay cya y/n" he said with a smile


she is so adorable.. wait what am i thinking?? ugh.. she's just a friend.. right? whatever bro, i'm gonna call jake to pick me up hehe



i need to get ready for the party it's like 5:38pm and tara said shes gonna bee here at 7pm. "uhmmm what shall i wear.." i said to myself, i found this black dress with long sleeves and i did my make up i decided posted an instagram photo

" i said to myself, i found this black dress with long sleeves and i did my make up i decided posted an instagram photo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@/YNppx

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Liked by @/johnnieguilbert,@/Tarayummy and 34,267 others
@/YNppx Fit check!!
slay bitch 😍


wait. what?? johnnie called me pretty? whatever it was probably just a friend thing, BEEP BEEP oh tara is here! i got into tara's car and sat in the passenger seat "Hi taraaa!" i said with a big smile, "Hi Y/N!!!! how are youuu" tara said

"I'm good!!, anyway have u seen my insta post" i said "yes of course i did, whyd you ask??" tara questioned "Johnnie called me pretty." i said screaming with excitement "O.M.G he totally did" she said , in the car ride we talked and gossiped and listened to music

we finally got to the house, (it's sam and colby who is throwing the party) i saw Jake and Johnnie standing in front of the entrance "Hi Jake!, Hi Johnnie!" Tara said "Hi tara,Y/N" Johnnie said smiling "Hi guys!, come on let's go inside!!" Jake said

we went inside and it was really loud, Johnnie and i started holding each others hands , he was so handsome and pretty.. we as in me and Johnnie went to the "bar" and got a drink, nothing really happened except that Jake got really drunk we decided to sleepover at sam and colby's house

me and tara slept in the guest bedroom,sam and colby gave us all XLPR merch jake and johnnie slept on the couch that night i couldn't really sleep so i was gonna get some water and saw Johnnie was still up on his phone

"what are you doing awake right now? it's 1 am" he said with a raspy voice "i was about to ask the same thing" i said as i laughed a little trying not to wake anybody up, "i couldn't really sleep so i just went to my phone and shit" he said "Me too," i went and sat down with johnnie "Johnnie.. i have to confess something." i said nervously

what if he thinks i'm a freak? what if he looks at me differently? oh god.. what am i doing? lift up my sleeves and showed him my scars "i have never told this to anyone before but yeah.." i said "oh my god are you okay Y/N??" he said worried about me my eyes started tearing up

oh god does he think i'm a freak now? "please Y/N talk to me.. i'm always here for you" he said as he hold my hand "Johnnie. i really like you.. please don't tell anyone about my scars" i said crying "Y/N? you. like me?" he said shocked by my words

"yes Johnnie i really like you i like you since we met the first time,the first time that i lad eyes on you i knew i liked you, i dont just like you Johnnie, I love you." I said "I love you too Y/N"
he said getting closer to me and closer and he kisses me on my lips

he pulled back from the kiss and looked at me in the eyes and started hugging me "wha-what are you doing?" i said laughing a little "I don't know how to kiss a girl so i'm just gonna hug you" he said while holding me tightly, i huged him back

i love him so much.. he is my everything but what are we now?

1120 words


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