^Ep11 Ecstasy. ^

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me and Johnnie looked at each other and laughed so hard "Oh here's your drink" i said with a soft smile, he thanked me we were talking about Alex and suddenly Jake and Tara appeared "What the fuck just happened" Jake said in a sassy voice, me and Johnnie both laughed at explained what happened to them "Holly shit Y/n you got to stop jumping on people" Tara said still shocked

"well i didn't really jumped her" I said as i shrugged and smiled at her, i just realised that many people were coming in the party so i decided take more drinks, "I'm gonna get more drinks, be right backkk" I said to them i walked to get some drink, many people were making out it was kinda disgusting but whatever,

i grab 2 drinks and went back to johnnie, he was looking at his phone, how can he be so beautiful even when his doing literally nothing, i love him so fucking much, you don't even know how much i love him, he helped me thru my bad time,


It was 29/07/2015  i was 16. i was sitting in my bed thinking about my life, and shit, i didn't really know at that time.. all i knew was that the next day will be my last.. i didn't really care anymore. i just wanted to disappear. i was writing letters for my family even tho they don't give two shits about me. they would be happy if i were gone.

i didn't really have any friend so i didn't write anything to anyone i only wrote for my mom, my dad and my sister. it was the afternoon so i wanted to walk around for my last day. i got up, walked out my house, and walked to the graveyard..

i saw my mom's grave i sat down right next to her grave, "I want to be buried next to you mama.." i paused "i miss you so much mama." my voice cracked and i tear ran down my face, i started to cry and cry. I'm such a fucking cry baby. i wiped the tears off my face. and read the letter to her "Hi mama, i don't know if you can hear me or not, but i wanted to say that i love you, and i miss you. i can't wait to see you in heaven mama, please if i die, burry me next to my mama, i love you mama and its not your fault." a tear dropped on the paper.

i got up and i walked back to my house, i got in my house, i was about to walk straight to my room until my dad stoped me "Hey where the fuck did you go?! did you fucked another guy already?! come here you little slut." dad said, i think he's drinking again, "daddy,i only went for a walk" I said trying to make him understand

"Don't you fucking lie to me you piece of shit" dad said "dad, shut the fuck up, you're the piece of shit, asshole" my sister stood up for me "Fuck you slut, go fucking kill your self Y/n." dad said he got up and went to his room "thanks Lun" I said "You need to stand up for yourself Y/n"

"I know, luna, it's just that i'm not as strong as you are" I said looking at my feet "I'm not strong, i just have a big mouth." Luna said as i chuckled Luna took a deep breath "Look, i'm not always 'strong' sometimes i say shit like that just because i don't know how to fight, but they always beat me up more so i didn't care, i will always get back up on my feet again,

mama tough me that" Luna said "I miss mama, and i love you" I said as i hugged her, Luna sighed in relief " and don't listen to what dad was saying, he is just an asshole, and he has been drinking a lot" Luna said as she hugged me back

"Can i sleep with you tonight?" "Yes, of course you can"

Time passes

I woke up in my sisters bed, "shit i have school" i said as i got up and got ready"Luna, can you drop me off?" "Yeah, sure" Luna was 19 at the time, She dropped me off to the school, it was a boring day, like always, it was lunch time so i sat alone, i saw this emo boy who keep looking at me

"he's hot" i said to myself i mean he is kinda bad not gonna lie, he wore skinny jeans and a band Tee it says something like 'Never shout never' he was kinda emo.? yeah.

Holly shit we was hot.. he was wearing makeup something like eyeshadow and eyeliner. it was all smudged around his eyes he has blue eyes.. weird coming from an emo guy but his blue eye.. is just so perfect for him then suddenly my headphone started to play 'Ocean eyes by billie eilish'

wow perfect timing. but wow he has a perfect jaw line.. Okay i need to stop looking at him, i'm being weird as i woke up from the zone out, i wonder what's his name.. who is he? he must be new.

okay i need to stop thinking about him and stop looking at him i don't even know his name, i rolled my eyes. the bell rang "fuck, i have art next" i don't really mind my art teacher. i actually like my art teacher she's the only one teacher that i like

i walked down the hallway till i got to my next class which is art, i walked into the class and said "Hi miss brown" "Hi Y/n" miss brown said. I really had no friends so. that's why i sat alone, "okay class we have a new student so please be nice to him" miss brown said

all the girls and guys whispered "It's a guy?" or "Do you think his hot?" it disgusted me. i put my head down on the table until a guy walked in, my head still on the table but looking at guy. shit it's that emo guy!

(*it was the first ep in this book*)

i waved at Jake and Johnnie "Bye y/n" Johnnie said as he got into the front seat, i gave him a soft smile i looked and my watch and saw it was 8:47 i went inside "Why are you home so fucking late? and who was those boys!?" I heard a voice said, Dad. "Daddy, i was hanging out with my friends, and those boys are my friends" I said trying to calm him down "Don't you fucking lie to me" Dad stood up from the couch "I swear, they are just my friends, and we went to the mall" i said

"Are you fucking them?!" Dad said raising his voice at me "No, i'm not fucking anyone dad, i'm not a fucking slut like you are" i said "Did you just called me a fucking slut?!" Dad said he got anger in his eyes and he raised his hand up then he slapped me on the face "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" i said as i stormed in my room and locked the doors

"Open the god damn door, Y/n" Dad said in a 'calming' voice "Shut the FUCK up" I said screaming at him on the other side of the door "KILL YOURSELF Y/N! YEAH DO IT NOW I FUCKING DARE YOU, I KNEW ABOUT IT, YOU WERE GONNA KILL YOURSELF TONIGHT RIGHT?! DO IT! DO IT!!" I heard a bang to the door i opened the door to see Jake punching my dad

"Are you okay?" Johnnie said "No" I said with a smile then i hugged him, so tightly "Wai-.. how did you?" "The door was unlocked and you forgot your wallet in the car and we heard screaming then we just walked inside because i thought someone was robing you or something" "Oh-.. uhm.. thanks?" "I'm gonna call 911" Jake said as he walked outside

I sat down on my bed and Johnnie sat down next to me, "Is it true?" Johnnie spoke "What is?" i said making a confused look "That you were going to kill yourself?" Johnnie said i looked down to my feet, and my hands were shaking my legs were shaking, a tear dropped down on my thigh "Hey. you don't need to talk about it now, but i'm always here" Johnnie spoke up and he held my hand to calm me down

i looked at him and gave him a smile while still crying, and hugged him, "Yes, it's true, all of it, i'm just so sick of living, Johnnie, please help me. i need someone like you, your touch is Ecstasy" i said i stuttering my words together,crying my eyes out on his shoulder "I'm so glad that your okay,Y/n, But please, promise me this. don't kill your self okay?" Johnnie said as he took me of his shoulder to make eye contact "I'll try not to kill my self but, it's not a promise." I spoke up stuttering

"and i'll always be there,saving you." Johnie said with a smile with a tear down his face


I walked up to Johnnie, "I love you so much" "i love you more" Johnie said as he gave me a kiss on the lips

This is a lonnnnngg ep so i hope you guys like itt,Do you guys liked that i put myself in the story 😉 hell yeah i'm Y/n's sister bitch!! 😍 anywayyy 🙃 it was a blast from the past, can you guys give me suggestions what the next ep should be??! sorry for the long break btww!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18 ⏰

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