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Hello guys your over excited author is back again! So enjoy the update and comment your reviews! Thank you enjoy!

You're the love that came without warning
You had my heart before I could say no ✨

Happy reading 🌺

Author's pov:-

Waking up early ishaan was very nervous yet excited for the day!

Coming out of his room wearing his uniform he made his way towards his bike! And starting it he left to pick up Karan

After sometime they reached school and made their way towards their class without paying attention to all those stares they received from their fellow schoolmates

Ishaan and Karan pov:-

Karan I have something to tell you! Ishaan said gaining his friend's attention

Yeah what's it? Karan asked facing ishaan

I've thought about telling Aarohi how I feel! You know I can't risk to hide it anymore! What if she gets in a relationship with someone else! Ishaan said

Hearing his friend's words Karan was shocked but soon smiled

Yeahh that's a good idea but have you talked to her? Karan asked

Yeah I asked her to meet me after school! I told her to get ready by 4:00 and I'll pick her up! Ishaan said

Okay that's good! But where are you planning to tell her about your feelings? You won't possibly do it in the middle of the road right? Karan asked

Nahh! I thought to tell her about this in my car! Yk it's safe this way! Ishaan said

Yeah you're right! It'll be safe no one would know! Karan said to which ishaan nodded his head

I thought of giving her flowers and chocolate! Would that work? Ishaan asked

Yeah it'd do! And if you want you can buy a ring! After school you've some time we can go and buy one for her! It'll be nice! Karan suggested making ishaan nod at him

Yeahh you're correct! Let's do that! Ishaan said

Hmm! You've planned everything properly proud of you! Karan said making ishaan roll his eyes!

They talked about some random things and saw Aarohi and Ananya entering the class!

Karan don't spoil my plan! Please keep your mouth shut! Okay! Ishaan said in a serious tone

Yes sir! Karan said saluting him dramatically

What are you guys discussing about? And what's with the salute? Aarohi asked as she came towards her place

It's nothing! He's just being dramatic! Ishaan said making Karan glare at him!

You're both equally dramatic Aarohi said making Karan laugh and ishaan just smacked his head

Hey good morning guys! Ananya said approaching them!

Good morning! Both ishaan and Karan said in unison

Author's pov:-

Ishaan was feeling shy around Aarohi which was evident to Aarohi and she deliberately teased him making ishaan go red!

SHE WAS NEVER MINE Where stories live. Discover now