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Hello everyone! Another chapter is here! Hope y'all  like it! And if you enjoy it do vote for it! And comment your reviews below! It'd help me to continue writing hehe! So I won't rant anymore and let y'all enjoy 🫶🏻

He denies it!
But the truth is that he's falling in love with her!🥹💐

Happy reading!🌺


Man stop sulking! You look like a pig with this expression! Karan said with a mischievous smile on his face

Fuck you bitch! Ishaan said being annoyed

Alright alright! What happened why are you sulking? You should be happy that you're sitting close to Aarohi! Ummhmm.... Karan said teasing ishaan

I'm sitting close to her but she's ignoring me! I tried talking to her but she's not paying any attention to me! Ishaan said being grumpy!

Ahemm! I see the man who always got attention was now being ignored! Impressive! Karan said laughing a little

Hahaha! What a great joke I cracked didn't I? Ishaan said sarcasm dripping from his words!

Karan cleared his throat as his friend was a bit angry

Okay okay stop sulking! She's gonna ignore you! You know what reputation you have! Someone might have told her about your deeds and all! They're not so good yk that well don't you? Karan said with seriousness in his voice

I know! And I'm not denying that but still she can talk toe atleast! I won't eat her alive man! Ishaan said being desperate

Gosh man you're whipped! Karan said giving him weird looks!

Whipped me? Haha jokes on you! Ishaan said scratching his neck

Yeah yeah ofcourse! We can see that real well! Karan said emphasizing the last sentence!

You're talking too much this days! Should I seal your mouth! Ishaan said being irritated!

Better seal your heart! Cause I can sense someone might steal it! Or maybe they already did! You never know right? Karan said with a teasing smile on his face!

Not being able to say anything ishaan started walking towards his class

Yah! Wait I'm also coming! You can't leave your friend just because you're in love! Karan screamed as he saw his friend leaving as soon as possible!

Stop screaming! You- ishaan said as all the students started looking at him weirdly!

Aarohi's pov:-

You know I feel bad about ignoring him! Aarohi said feeling a bit guilty!

You did the right thing! Stop being guilty he deserves it! Arrogant brat! Ananya spat being annoyed!

Woah girl calm down! Why do you even hate him? Aarohi asked feeling her hate towards him!

It's not like I hate him but I don't like him either! He's a Playboy! Flirting with everyone but has never dated any of them! Don't you think he's just using them for fun? Ananya said justifying her dislikeness towards ishaan!

You're correct but girls are always after him! I've not seen him approaching him anyone but it's the other way around! Aarohi said as what she have observed!

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