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Hello guys! I'm back with the new part! Were y'all excited? Well I was hella excited to post! And here it is!
I hope y'all will enjoy it!
Thank you for giving this story a chance! 🤍

And I fell for her like raindrops! 🥹💐

Happy reading!!✨

Ishaan and Karan pov:-

Woah! Woah! Are you sure you're here for coaching and not for some party? Karan asked looking at ishaan from head to toe

Stop staring at me like this! Is it my fault that I look good in everything I wear? Ishaan said flipping his hair back!

Yeah yeah you're the most HaNdSoMe guy I've ever seen! Karan said sarcastically

Let's go! I don't wanna be late in my first day itself! Ishaan said walking towards the entrance of the coaching

Sure sure you're desperate to see someone oh sorry I mean to study slip of tongue you know! Karan said with a teasing smile!

Ishaan shoot a glare at him making his friend gulp!

If you're done with your bullshit then let's go! Shall we? Ishaan said being done with his friend

Yes sir! Karan said saluting him dramatically

Aarohi's pov :-

What the fuck? What is he doing here!? Ofcourse he's here to study! God Aarohi you and your stupid thoughts!

But why here? There's so many other coaching then why here? The hell Aarohi his friend studies here so ofcourse he'll join this coaching rather then going somewhere else! Aarohi thought as she saw Ishaan and Karan entering

But why am I reacting this way? He isn't here for me! Aarohi said nodding at herself

Author's pov

Ishaan went with Karan and sat with him! After sometime the teacher entered and started teaching!

Ishaan was more invested in staring at Aarohi and Karan kept on teasing him making ishaan glare at him

And here Aarohi felt someone staring at her the whole time but when she looked around she found ishaan staring at her! but shrugged her shoulder off saying she's overthinking

Just like that the classes got over and they packed their bags ready to leave but a voice stopped ishaan making him turn to where the voice came from

You're new here? Myself krutika! A girl said extending her hands forward for a handshake

Yeah myself ishaan! Ishaan said with his usual cold tone and  ignoring her handshake made his way towards the exit

Hey if you want I can give you the notes! You might need them! The girl said

No! I can borrow karan's! Ishaan replied without looking back at her

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