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Heyyy  guys I'm back with the last part of this book! So hope y'all like it! Let's begin

(Do read the note at last it's important)

in the end we as in you and me were never meant to be

Happy reading

Aarohi's pov:

Hearing the girl's words my mind went numb! I couldn't feel anything but betrayal!
No matter how much I wanted to trust ishaan but I couldn't! My trust was shattered and it was hard for me to think straight

Not being able to stay there any longer I ran! I wanted to escape everything and everyone!

I could hear ananya screaming my name asking me to stop but I couldn't! Tears flowing continuously and I didn't even tired to wipe them! Cause what's the use?

Soon ananya caught my hand making me stop and stare at her! When I met her eyes it ended for me

Falling on my knees in the middle of nowhere I cried hiding my face in my palm! Ananya too kneeled infront of me pulling me in her embrace!

Whispering things in my ears that I couldn't understand she patted my back trying to calm me down but nothing seemed to work... The words kept on repeating in my mind making me feel worse than ever

Aarohi stand up! We gotta leave! We can't stay here for the entire evening! Please stand up!! Ananya said slowly

With no energy to argue with her I stood up! And we both made our way to my house!

As we reached I walked to my bedroom with Ananya following me!

Ananya? Was I not enough for him? I asked crying all over again!

No! Don't say that you're enough! More than enough! You need to be strong! Aarohi you can't breakdown!! she said

How can I not? I loved him Ananya! And he said he did too! But why did he cheat on me? I asked my voice cracking!

Heyy please calm down! Don't cry so much you'll get sick! Please Aarohi! Ananya said hugging me her own tears falling

It hurts Ananya! It's hurting me! Why did I fall for him? You warned me why didn't I control myself and did as you said! Whyy? I said hugging her

She didn't said anything and rubbed my back!

Author's pov:-

Both of them stayed like that for hours crying in eachother's arm!

Aarohi cried as she felt betrayed! Betrayed by the person she loved more than she could imagine

And Ananya cried feeling helpless! She blamed herself for not being able to protect her friend!

On the other hand ishaan was feeling restless as he couldn't talk to Aarohi!

She switched her phone off right after she called Ananya due to which ishaan couldn't reach her

Aarohi what do you plan to do now? Ananya asked

SHE WAS NEVER MINE Where stories live. Discover now