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Gemini removed one of his hands from Fourth's waist.

He trailed down Fourth's arm to intertwine his fingers with the blushing one. Gemini pressed his palm against the one he was swinging around gleefully.

"So what does this mean?" Fourth giggled uncontrollably from excitement.

It's crazy how two months ago, the both of them hated each others guts. But here they are on cloud nine. Fourth never thought he would ever fall in love, especially with this guy.

"Let's just say.. our relationship isn't so fake anymore" The taller one stated while playing with Fourth's hair, twirling his hair around.

He pulled Gemini closer to give him a tight hug, swinging their bodys side to side. "Thank you." He said. "For what?" the other one asked.

"For loving me"

Gemini let out a little laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"I've loved you before we even met."

He couldn't help but blush hardly, his cheeks were rosy pink from Gemini's words.

He pulled away from the hug to ask"Do you wanna go out?" . "On a date? I thought you said you were busy." Fourth questioned.

"Work can come later, my love can't." Gemini wouldn't stop bombarding him with his built up love from the past months.


Gemini dragged Fourth's hand to a food market. "You wouldn't seem like the type of person to pick up food here." He doubted. "Oh, I come here whenever I'm lazy to cook or go anywhere. It's close to my penthouse." Gemini added, Even while in a place like this he still managed to find a way to talk about his wealth.

He walked up to one of the street vendors, the vendor was this nice old lady. "Oh! Nong Gem, I haven't seen you in a while.." She greeted him.

Fourth whispered to him, "Why does she call you a nickname?" Obviously jealous.

"I always get her food. Plus, you call me the same thing don't you" Gemini teased.

"Oh is this the lovely boy you told me about?" The vendors smile reached her eyes, she was the sweetest soul Fourth has ever met. She reached her hand out to shake his.

After buying some drinks Gemini drove him back to his house. Throughout the entire ride, Gemini's left hand was on Fourth's lap.

Gemini clicked open his front door to be met with confetti blown in his face. "Suprise!" Phuwin, Pond and Mark screamed, Holding a tiny cake. It was for his birthday!

"I thought you guys forgot."

"How could we?" Pond said. "Well I almost did before Fourth planned this." Mark blurted out.

Gemini hugged Fourth after hearing what he said. The other three also came in and hugged them.

It was the best birthday Gemini could've wished for.

They all celebrated and ate cake, and the food they bought while talking about the two love birds and just some other stuff.

-last editors note-
thank you for everyone whos read this and left votes(pls vote more) I really enjoyed writing this. I have a new geminifourth au right now if you would like to go read it.

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