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2 years later

Fourth had just finished a concert. He walks back stage stretching his arms.

Hm? That's weird, Gemini wasn't there. He would usually go back stage after the concert ends.

He turned his head around looking and making sure. Gemini was nowhere to be found. Fourth decided to ask his manager who was chatting with one of the staff.

"Oh Gemini? He said he would be back soon."

Worried, Fourth slips his phone off the table and rings his number.

This number could not be-

Ring again,

This number could-

he puts his phone back down, frustrated. Where did Gemini go? Why didn't he tell him? Maybe an emergency meeting? Or what if-

Phuwin snapped him out of his thoughts. "Looking for your faen oh?" He asked grinning.

"This isn't the time, Phu" Fourth stated turning his gaze to him. "It's fine, he said he would go pick something up, but there was traffic." Phuwin explained. He let out a sigh of relief smashing down on a sofa.

Phuwin sat down next to him handing him a water bottle. "Attachment issues huh?" He teased.

"I thought you said you wouldn't get too attached to him, and you didn't want to be dependent on him?" Phuwin continued. Fourth punches him lightly in response.

The door creaks open loudly, Fourth glances up the see Gemini! He shot back up and started walking towards him. He notices that he had something hiding behind him. Fourth points behind him, "What's that?" he asks.

Gemini brings whatever was behind his hands around; a bouquet of flowers, more specifically, Fourth's favourite; magnolias.

The confused Fourth got handed a bouquet. "What's this for?"

"Well, I can't tell you yet.. but,"

He listened attentively

"If you come with me, you'll know."

Gemini smiled faintly, reminding Fourth of when they first met, and he asked for his number. Yet, after so long, his stomach still gets that same feeling from the first time.

He drove to Khao Kalok beach, Fourth had never been there before, but it felt oddly familiar, almost nostalgic.

The sun was just starting to set. Making beautiful pink swirls of clouds in the sky, with hints of orange. It was incredibly pretty, but not as pretty as the view beside him.

"It's so beautiful." Fourth murmured. "Mhm, beautiful indeed.." Gemini watched him in awe, mesmerizing the view.

After a few seconds, Fourth set his gaze back to him, but he wasn't there. Looking left, right then down.

Gemini kneeled on one knee, the wind hitting his hair so perfectly.

He was holding a tiny black box which he snapped open. Inside held a ring unlike any other. The sunlight shined on it, making it extra bright.

"Nattawat Jirochtikul, I don't know what I would've done without you." Fourth put a hand over his mouth, tear rolling down his round cheeks. "And I can't imagine a world without you." Gemini continued.

"Will you make me the most ecstatic person in the entire universe." He nodded, not being able to form words. Gemini stood up wrapping his arms around his torso. then Fourth put his hands around his neck. Pulling him into a long warm kiss. The two were hungry. Gemini lightly sucked on his bottom lip, taking in every moment.

Both of them didn't want this to end. Fourth let out small muffled gasps throughout the kiss. Eventually, Gemini pulled away. "Hm?" the other hummed.

"If you want more I'll give it to you tonight.."

Fourth became bright red punching his chest. "Stop being so horny all the time." "But you like it don't you?" He stayed silent looking away.

"Hmm.. I'm craving some ice cream," Gemini stated. "Aren't you already full?" Fourth teased him. He didn't answer walking away, "Where are you going?"

"Wait here!" He turned back to yell. "Okay!" The other screamed back.

He sat down on the sand. Whenever a wave came, it would wash his feet. Fourth watched as the sunset slowly, but surely went down.

After a little bit, Gemini came back. In his hands was two cups of ice cream; one coffee, and one mint chocolate chip.

The two sat on the shore chatting away while eating ice cream.


Fourth finished getting ready for bed, plopping himself down on Gem's bed. He took out his phone to go on social media.

Gemini threw a towel around his neck only wearing a pair of slightly loose sweatpants. Low enough for his pelvis to be exposed. Walking towards the bed, "Whatcha doing?" He asked. "I'm scrolling on Instagram."

He crawled on top of Fourth, snatching the phone out his hands, "Your fiance is right here on display for you, and you would rather watch your phone?"

"On display huh? Do I have permission to inspect it?" Fourth smirked, his hands wandering. Gemini bent down his neck sucking on his neck, nibbling on the skin. He could feel his hot breath on him.

editors Note
horknee jail 😖 anyways this is in honor of same sex marriage in thailand being officially accepted or wtv. also i started another fanfiction because i gave up on the other one, go check it out!!!!!

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