Chapter 1

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When I refer to Izuku as "he", I'm referring to the male body. When I refer to Izuku as "she", I'm referring to the female body. When I refer to Izuku as "they", I'm referring to both bodies. Izuku's bodies' appearances are on the cover of the story.

As they approach UA, Izuku looks around, looking for any other interesting examinees aside from themself. Suddenly, though, she dashes forward, catching a girl that has tripped.

"Are you alright?" Izuku asks, all 4 of their eyes looking at the girl in concern.

The girl looks between them for a second before responding. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks..."

"Izuku Midoriya." Izuku says, giving a slight bow with their hands on their chests.

The girl blinks in confusion. "What?"

"My name is Izuku Midoriya." Izuku says once again.

The girl frowns, crossing her arms. "I don't get it. Is this supposed to be some type of prank?"

Izuku shakes their heads. "Nope. It's my quirk. I have one mind, and two bodies, one male and one female." They explain, causing the girl's jaw to drop.

"Woah... that's..." the girl tries to say, but nothing comes out.

Izuku sighs. "Yeah, I get that reaction allot. Now, we need to get inside, it's starting soon." They say, raising their wrists to show the watches that they're wearing, while also simultaneously raising forms showing the start time of the exam with their other hands.

The girl blanches. "Right! I'm Ochako Uraraka, by the way! It's nice to meet you." She says quickly before dashing inside.

"She's cute." Izuku says to themself before following her.


As Izuku(m) stretches, she glances around at the other examinees, looking for anyone that they should keep an eye on. Suddenly, he freezes as she spots Ochako, looking so nervous that she might faint at any second. He dusts himself off before they move to approach and reassure her, when suddenly a hand is placed on his shoulder, stopping them in their place.

"Are you two hooligans planning to sabotage her?" A voice asks accusatorially.

"First of all," Izuku begins, shocking the boy who grabbed his shoulder as they speak simultaneously, "I am a single person with two bodies, not two people. Secondly, can you not see how nervous she is? I'm planning to try and help her out a bit." They say, pointing their left arms at Ochako, causing the boy to look sheepish.

"Oh! I apologize for misjudging your intent! I was actually planning to do that myself, but I spotted you moving towards her before I could." The boy says with a bow, causing Izuku to raise 2 eyebrows.

"Well, if that's all, I'm going to go comfort her now." Izuku says as they turn around and walk over to Ochako. "Calm down, Uraraka, you'll do great." They say as they reach her.

Ochako turns toward them. "Midoriya? How can you be sure?"

"I have an eye for talent, for one." Izuku says before gesturing to the crowd of examinees with a wide sweep of their right arms. "You're definitely better than most of the people here. Sure some of them are stronger and/or faster than you, but you have more talent than they do. My female body alone is more capable of passing than most of these people, and you're almost as good as it is."

Ochako narrows focuses on Izuku's female body's chest before looking down at her own, smaller, though still impressive, bust. "Well, you're definitely superior to me in one way."

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