Chapter 2

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Izuku sighs as they hear the yelling inside the room through the door. And, after taking a moment to prepare themselves, he opens the door and they walk through.

"Why am I not surprised that you're picking a fight on the first day, Katsuki?" They ask with deadpan expressions on their faces.

Katsuki freezes before turning to face them, rage on his face. "DEKU! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOUR SORRY ASSES DOING HERE!?!?"

Izuku sighs. "I scored first place on the exam, Katsuki, of course I'm here."

Katsuki growls at them. "You know what I fucking meant, dumbass! I told you not to fucking apply!" He says, standing and approaching them, ignoring Iida, who he'd been arguing with prior.

Izuku tilts their heads. "Since when did I listen to your orders, Katsuki?" They ask.

Katsuki groans, dragging his hand down his face. "You have a daughters to take care of, dumbass. You're motherfucking parents, and your daughters needs her parents. What are you gonna do about the dorms, huh? That's the whole reason I said not to apply. You know this."

"Oh!" Izuku says. "I already made the arrangements with the principal. She's going to have the room beside my own."

"Wait, hold on." A voice says, causing Izuku and Katsuki to turn to look at the source, a pink-skinned woman. "I'm confused, which one of you has a daughter? And why are you speaking as if you two are one person? Also, 'a daughters'?"

"Right." Izuku says, turning one of his head back to Katsuki. "We'll talk more later." He says as she says "Allow me to properly introduce myself, I am-" she gets interrupted before she can finish.

"If you're here to make friends, you can leave." A voice says from the doorway, drawing everyone's attention. Instantly, anyone that wasn't in a seat beforehand takes one. Izuku's female body sitting on the male body's lap, much to the confusion of most of the class, and the jealousy of one boy. "It took you 15 seconds to shut up, we'll have to work on that." The speaker says as he approaches the podium in the front of the class. "Go get changed into your gym uniforms and meet me at training field 1. Be as fast as you can. Your uniforms are in your lockers in the locker rooms, you'll know the locker's your's because it'll have your name on it." He finishes before leaving with no further elaboration.

"Wait, who was that?" A blonde-haired student asks, even as the entire class, him included, stands and moves to follow orders.


"So, Greenie, what were you about to tell me?" The pink-skinned woman asks as the girls enter their locker room.

"Right, an explanation." Izuku says as she finds her locker and begins to undress. "My quirk is called 'Sexually Dimorphic'. To put it simply, I have 2 bodies. One male, and one female. That man I entered the class with? That was also me." She explains.

All of the girls look at her in shock, causing her to shrug.

"Wait, so, which body is your original body? And which one was created by your quirk?" A voice asks, causing Izuku to turn to the speaker, an invisible woman.

"Both bodies are my original body. Neither was created by my quirk." Izuku says. "When I was born, everyone thought that I was a pair of twins. They only realized that I was one person with 2 bodies when they noticed that both bodies moved and reacted in unison. I actually had to learn how to move my bodies separately." She explains.

"Wait, in class, you and that other guy said something about you having a daughter." The pink-skinned woman says. "What's that about?"

Izuku sighs.


"I have a DAUGHTERS, not a DAUGHTER." Izuku says, having almost the exact same conversation in the male locker room. Though, this time it started because the ball-haired boy questioned him about their female body sitting on his lap.

"It's a very important distinction to make." Katsuki says with a nod as he finally manages to untie his tie and starts to unbutton his undershirt.

"What does that even mean?" The spiky-haired man, who had asked about Izuku's daughters in the first place, asks.

"Her quirk is the inverse of my own." Izuku begins, slipping off his pants and grabbing his gym pants. "Whereas I have 1 mind and 2 bodies, she has 2 minds and one body. I say she because, despite having 2 minds, she still sees herself as a single person. A single person that takes 2 forms. That's why I say 'A Daughters' rather than just 'Daughters' or 'A Daughter'. Daughters remains plural because, despite seeing herself as a single person rather than 2 people sharing a daughter, she still has 2 separate minds, each one with a distinct personality of its own."

"See what I mean by important distinction?" Katsuki asks, now fully changed into his gym uniform and on his way out of the locker room. "I still say you should've stayed home and raised her rather than coming here, by the way."

"And I still say that you can fuck off if you think I can't do both at the same time." Izuku says, slipping on his gym overshirt and zipping it up before moving to follow Katsuki.

"Speaking of fucking," The ball-haired boy says. "Are you the father or the mother? And who'd you fuck in the first place if they're not even around to help raise the kid?"

"I'm both." Izuku says. "I was a hormonal 12 year old who had a male and female body, and was curious about sex. Next thing I know, I have a kid of my own."

The boy blinks. "Oh."

Izuku chuckles. "Oh indeed." He says before leaving and heading to the training field.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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