It's a little kinky.

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Don't you want to remember?

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Don't you want to remember?

Mikaelson mansion

Rebekah hanged Damon by his hand, her eyes ablaze with fury as she confronted him in the dimly lit room.

"Found them in the shed. What kind of monster would trap a poor, defenseless animal?" Rebekah's voice dripped with disdain, her words cutting through the tense atmosphere like a blade.

Damon's lips curled into a smirk as he glanced at his hand. "Got to admit, even for me... It's a little kinky," he quipped, his tone thick with sarcasm.

With a knife in hand, Rebekah prowled around Damon like a predator stalking its prey. "You pretended to be interested in me. And then you slept with me so your trampy friend Sage could steal my thoughts. Ever since then, I've felt this incessant need to one-up you," Rebekah accused, her voice dripping with venomous resentment.

"So, I've decided to bleed the vervain from your system," Rebekah declared, ripping Damon's shirt and slashing his chest. Damon winced in agony as the blade tore through his flesh.

"You want to compel me to be your boyfriend?" Damon retorted, his voice strained with pain and defiance.

"Actually, I'd rather compel you to kill your brother, or Elena. But since vampires heal, bleeding you may take a while. We should probably stick to major arteries," Rebekah remarked, slicing a long gash near Damon's neck with a chilling determination in her eyes.

Just then, Isabella and Klaus burst into the room, their arrival disrupting the tense confrontation."Well, look what you caught," Klaus commented, his voice laced with sarcasm as he surveyed the scene with amusement.

"If you're trying to bleed him of vervain, don't you think it would be easier to hang him upside down?" Klaus suggested, his tone tinged with mockery.

"I'm perfectly capable of inflicting pain, thank you very much," Rebekah shot back, her gaze defiant as she challenged Klaus's authority.

"Oh, well, excuse me. It's not like I have any expertise in the matter," Klaus replied, his mocking tone only serving to stoke the flames of tension.

"You know, why don't you just leave me be and go and manage your witch?" Rebekah retorted before Klaus departed, leaving behind an air of escalating hostility.

"What do you want?" Rebekah turned her attention to Isabella, who had remained silent since entering the room, her presence adding an eerie aura to the charged atmosphere.

"Nothing, just came for the show," Isabella replied casually, her eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief as she observed the unfolding drama with a detached amusement.

After a pregnant pause, broken only by Damon's agonized groans, Isabella spoke up again. "You know, we should hang him upside down. It'll be fun, don't you think?" she suggested, her voice tinged with a sinister delight.

Though Rebekah disagreed, Isabella persisted. "Okay, come on Rebekah, at least let me go inside his head, show him what it feels like?" Isabella proposed, her eyes sparkling with a dangerous curiosity.

"But he still has vervain in his system," Rebekah pointed out, her voice tinged with caution.

"It's just a little. I could go inside his head," Isabella insisted, her resolve unwavering in the face of Rebekah's skepticism.

With a purposeful stride, Isabella rose from the sofa and approached Damon with predatory grace. "Don't you want to remember? " she asked Damon, her voice dripping with a mixture of malice and allure.

"Remember what?" Damon questioned, his confusion palpable as he braced himself for the impending onslaught.

"Us, darling, what else?" Isabella teased, her words sending a shiver down Damon's spine as he awaited the inevitable delve into his forgotten past.

"Huh?" Damon responded, with a mix of confusion and pain.

With a touch as cold as ice, Isabella reached out and delved into Damon's thoughts, exposing him to a haunting glimpse of their shared past, while Rebekah watched on, her eyes ablaze with a potent mix of fascination and apprehension, adding an extra layer of drama to the already intense scene.


Word Count - 674


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