Chapter 6

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"Kota, Eri, you guys check the freezers and things for anything that looks good and I'll search the kitchen, okay?" Nkenchi said, laying Samuel on a booth seat. They both nod and leave to check. After a few minutes they come back together "Okay, what'd you guys find?" "Veggies, chicken nuggets, fries, ice, and leftover burger patties," Eri said. "Okay, I guess we can use some of that. I found some canned stuff, cookies, more snacks, some water, and that's about it." "Dad knows how to make really good Cheeseburgers!!" Kota Said. Nkenchi laughs "Yea, but where are we gonna get heat from?" "Papa also has fire magic!" Eri said happily. "Okay, then I guess we're taking everything!" Nkenchi puts his bag down and starts putting things in it. Samuel then groans and starts to wake up. "Good morning sleeping beauty. We're leaving so are you good to walk or do I need to keep carrying you?" Nkenchi said, not looking up from his bag. "Why do I want you to carry me?" Samuel said tiredly. "Cause according to Kota and Eri you haven't slept in months and you're probably gonna pass out again" Nkenchi said blankly. "I'm fine, I don't need to be babied." Samuel said getting up. "You refuse to sleep like you're a baby. Bitch ass." Nkenchi said, muttering the last bit. "Babies sleep stupid" Samuel said, stretching. "Sure they do, they fight it with all the energy they have in their little bodies though. That's what you're acting like. Now c'mon before I actually do come over there and carry you to the hotel." Nkenchi said, putting on his bag and walking out the door with Eri and Kota. Samuel sighs and follows them. They get to the hotel and he opens the door, putting the stuff down. "Lay down Samuel." He said when Sam walked in. "Why am I laying down?" Samuel said. "Because you're fucking tired, now lay down." "Make me" Nkenchi's eye twitched and he walked up to the bed and pulled the covers back. He then walked to Samuel, grabbed his arm, forcefully laid him down, put the blankets over him and then climbed in the bed, big spooning him so he couldn't get up. Samuel tensed up as soon as he grabbed him then blushed when he started big spooning him. Eri was a giggling mess while Kota smirked. "It's just me, you know that. Relax and go to sleep. When you fall asleep, I'll let you go." "I'm fine Nkenchi, I don't need sleep!" Samuel said as he tries to leave. Nkenchi just cuddles him tighter. "Let go Nkenchi!!" Samuel yelled. "No! Go to bed!!" Nkenchi yelled, putting his forehead on the beck on Samuel's neck. Samuel pouts and still tries to get out. Every time he tried Nkenchi just snuggled him tighter, not loosening his grip in the slightest. "Nkenchi...we're hungry" Eri said. "Check my bag, there's a whole bunch of snacks in there, it should hold you over until Samuel gets to sleep." Nkenchi said, smiling at them. "What about all the cold stuff?" Kota said. "It'll stay good, we're gonna cook it in a bit." He said. "I'm not sleeping Nkenchi!" Samuel said. He looked at the kids "Eat slowly" he said, putting his head back on Samuel's neck. After an hour Samuel finally fell asleep. Nkenchi looked over at Samuel and smiled softly, getting up and getting the frozen food out of the bag to prepare it for when Samuel woke up so he could cook. "For 2 people who hate each other, that didn't look like you hated him." Kota said smugly. "I do." Nkenchi retorted quickly. "Not, cause you would care about his well-being if you didn't." Kota said. "It's just... uhm..." Nkenchi stuttered "He's your dad and I want him to be okay. For you two. That's all. You guys are good kids and deserve a dad." "Mhmm, sure whatever you say." Kota said. Nkenchi blushed and looked away from him. "Mhm... That's... That's all..." He sounded uncertain when he said that part, he didn't fully believe those words himself.

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