TWO | the first time you saw me

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" brand new, full throttle "

     SITTING NEXT TO your soulmate is a weird experience

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     SITTING NEXT TO your soulmate is a weird experience. especially when neither of you could confirm that you both felt the same thing, let alone relish in the fact that you found your soulmate. it was a huge thing, something you got no help with—something that would just happen when it happened.

mr. varner spared me from having into introduce myself, probably because i had appealed to him when first meeting. i was nice, warm, welcoming—it usually got me very far. as he taught things i never knew about until last month when we figured i'd be able to temporarily stay in a city, one of my hands fell to my side, dangling from the tall stool.

a few moments later, i felt a cold touch meet mine. my heart blossomed, feeling like part of it was melting after being frozen over for eighteen years. i couldn't fight off my smile as edward and i's hands intertwined. i couldn't tell who took the further step, but i was just thanking every possible god in existence that we were in the back of the classroom.

i couldn't pay attention at all to what mr. varner was saying, i was too aware of edward and i's proximity—i was sitting right next to my soulmate, holding his hand. but every time i started to get happy, i remembered his girlfriend i had yet to meet. would he leave her for me? sometimes soulmates can end up just being friend bonds, if both people really wanted that, even though they defaulted to romantic bonds. i didn't want that, but if he did, i guess i could learn to just be friends.

i didn't know what i'd do, then. would i be alone forever? most soulmates ended up in a romantic relationship—there aren't that many people who are "just friends" with their soulmate. there was no way he would've known of my existence, since he's not a wizard, so i don't blame him for getting into a relationship, but was it a selfish thing to want him to break up with her?

my mind zeroed in on the fact that his thumb started caressing my hand, making my stomach do somersaults. the ringing of a bell brought me back to reality, our hands dropping from each other's, feet planting to the ground. i started to put my things into my backpack as he said: "we need to talk about this."

"we do," i agreed, staying calm. i looked him in the eye and told him, "and you need to think about what you're going to do about your girlfriend, and what you want out of this bond."

he shook his head. "you're my mate, i'm not passing this opportunity up—i never thought i'd find you." that was curious, because he knew. not many people knew about soulmates outside of the wizarding community, since most of the time the premise didn't leave it. something about the magic in our veins created these bonds—or maybe it was the fates or something.

and he never thought he'd find me? either he's the biggest pessimist on the planet or something's up here. i nodded slowly, saying, "then you have to break up with her. i won't be the other woman, and i doubt she would want to be either." i threw my bag over my shoulder, looking over to the door and seeing ellie there waiting for me. i waved at her with a smile and turned back to edward's golden eyes. they had a sense of familiarity around them, and not just because he's my soulmate. "i'll see you around, specifically in english."

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