THREE | they don't know

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" you've haunted me so stunningly "

     WHEN I WALKED into class, i was a minute late

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WHEN I WALKED into class, i was a minute late. i had forgotten to ask coach clapp to sign the slip, so i had to stay back while he not only searched for a pen but then a surface to write on, and it was a couple minute debacle that made me want to die in the moment. also, i had to keep up the weird british person stereotypes and talked about fish and chips while he grumbled at the fact that i was a "different vein of american" and "need to speak normally."

it was amusing but also distressing, since i didn't want to be late to class on my first day, even though it was completely understandable because i am in fact new. also from another country, so it should be excused even more. "i'm so sorry, mr. mason," i said as i walked into the classroom. "deepest apologies. i got lost on my way here because the gym is in a different building and the numbers are out of order-"

he smiled at me and shook his head. "it's fine, miss daniels. we've all been there. just don't make it a habit, alright?"

i nodded quickly. "do you think you could sign this, sir?" i asked, extending the slip.

he took it. "yes, i can. are you familiar with shakespeare's hamlet, miss daniels?"

"'there's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow,'" i quoted.

he handed the slip back to me, saying, "then i expect to see you hand up to answer questions, miss daniels."

i stifled a sigh. are you kidding? i got no brownie points, i only got a requirement to carry the class on my back. i loved literature, but now i was convinced i was going to hate this class. maths i had an excuse of not learning the same material at the same rate back home, but everyone could read—unless they didn't learn or were impaired or something of that sort. "thank you, sir," i said through slightly gritted teeth.

"you can sit with mr. cullen in the back of the room," mr. mason stated, pointing to my soulmate. wow, fate was really driving this home, giving us peak time to converse and get to know each other. blessed day.

i turned around and he had a small smile on his face, leaning back in his seat, fiddling with a pencil in his hands. i tried to not let my mind drift as i walked over. we must stay focused, brothers. hamlet, hamlet, hamlet. this was not time to think about the things i'd like to do to this man in front of me.

mr. mason clapped as he began class. "alright, everyone, today is the first day of hamlet and this means you have to try to read it yourself! later on we'll read it as a class, watch the movie, and sometimes i'll read it to you all, but you know how it goes." there was a chorus of groans. "read it with your partner, whatever you don't finish in class you should read at home. i expect us all to be starting scene three tomorrow. now, begin!"

"how did you know we'd have this class together?" edward questioned as he handed me a book. "when you weren't here by the bell, i thought you lied to me."

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