Back To Reality

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The boys walked to the train station. As Sasaki insisted on walking Miyano there. The boys got to the train station, Miyano pulled him aside and gave Sasaki a kiss. Then pulling away saying " I had a great time Shumei. I'll be fine from here my train should almost be here." Sasaki ruffles Miyano's hair saying " okay love you. Text me when you get home so I know you made it safe." He says while holding his hand. Miyano laughs saying " I will promise. I miss you already. I'll see you soon. Hopefully before next weekend."
Sasaki replies " I hope so. Things have been so busy it's just tough to spend time together." He looks down letting go of Miyano's hand. Miyano exclaims " Don't worry Shumei. It won't be like this forever, eventually it'll be coming home to each other."
They get in one last kiss before the train arrives. The boys go their separate ways for now.

Sasaki's POV
On the way home, Sasaki is wrecked with emotions. He's thinking and overthinking the night prior. He arrives home and heads straight to his room, realizing how exhausted he is. Sasaki finds himself depressed and waiting for Miyano's text. After about an hour, he gets a phone call from an unknown number. Almost not answering but answers as he worries it might be Miyano. He says " Hello who's this?"
Miyano: " Shumei it's me, I just got home surprise to me I got a smart phone. My parents wanted to treat me since I been getting good grades. I wanted to call you so you have my new number!"
Sasaki sighs feeling relief " Oh good Miya I'm glad your home safe. I'll make sure I save your number."
Miyano replies " What are you up to tomorrow? I just have some chores, studying and errands but most of my afternoon is free."
Sasaki replies in a longing tone " I'd love to come see you tomorrow Mya. When would be a good time?"
Miyano responds enthusiastically " Um let's see maybe noon or 12:30? My parents are gone tomorrow. Dad's busy and mom said she's picking up overtime. Give me a moment I'll ask real quick just to make sure it's okay."
Miyano fumbles with his phone but finds the mute button
After about 20 minutes, Miyano says " Hey Shumei are you still there? Sorry for the wait."
Sasaki responds "Yeah I'm here Miya Chan I just started working on some homework."
Miyano responds " My parents are cool with you coming over tomorrow as long as you can stay for dinner. My dad said he should be home and he really wants to meet you."
Sasaki goes red he says nervously " Sure I wouldn't mind staying for dinner. I just hope he likes me."
Miyano laughs, exclaiming " Oh stop Shumei my mom already likes you. He's gonna like you don't worry."
Sasaki lets out a nervous laugh " Okay Miya I love you I'll see you tomorrow." He says it with hesitation because he's not sure if Miyano is ready to say it this frequently.
Miyano responds " I love you Shuu, I'll see you tomorrow at 12:30 is that works for you. I'll be waiting for you at the station by my house."
Sasaki says " Of course, I'll see you then. Have a good night get some rest"
Miyano replies " See you then. Goodnight Shumei."
*** ends call***
Still Sasaki's POV
Sasaki does some homework then just plops on the bed. It still smells like Miyano, but seeing the stains he does realize he should change them before someone sees. He gathers the sheets into the basket, getting one more whiff of his boyfriend's scent then heads to bring them to the laundry room. He makes the bed and realizes that even though it's only 6 pm he's exhausted and plops in to the covers to fall asleep.
Sasaki's awoken by his sister Sakoto for dinner saying " Come on sleepy head dinners ready! Stay up to late last night!"
Sasaki goes down stairs and greets his family. They're glad to see each other and he lets them know of his plans for tomorrow.

Miyano's POV
Miyano home enjoys a dinner with his family before calling Sasaki. After their conversation, Miyano begins cleaning and reorganizing his room for tomorrow. Then finishing any homework but leaving a few math problems that he needs help with.
He showers and realizes how exhausted he is then turns in early after reading a couple pages of manga.
** The next day Sunday**
Miyano's POV:
Miyano finished his errands and most of his homework already. He began cleaning the kitchens and vacuuming the carpets. 12:15 rolls around so he gets dressed and makes his way to the train station. It's sunny but brisk so he's in a sweater and slacks. He remembered to wear the bracelet Sasaki got him today. Miyano spots Sasaki get off the train and flags him down. Sasaki is wearing a light wind breaker jacket and T shirt with ripped jeans. Miyano notices he has his piercings back in including the ear cuff he got him. Miyano notices how adorable Sasaki looks.
Sasaki notices him and says while patting his head" Hey Mya Chan I've miss you."
Miyano notices his caring tone and grabs Sasaki's hand saying "Come on Shumei let's grab some tea on the way back to my house. I know a good place ."
       They stop at a local tea shop. The sit down. The vibe is artsy. With paintings on the walls, ornate small centerpieces on the tables. They place their orders at the cashier and wait at a table near by for their drinks. Miyano insisted on paying this time. He only got away with it because he took Sasaki's card as soon as he took it out to try to pay.
       Miyano teases Sasaki's while they're waiting  saying " Haha Shumei told you I was paying this time!" He says as he hands him back his card. Sasaki scoffs nervously but in a frisky tone " Okay Mya-Chan I'll let you take care of me today." He says while grabbing Miyano's hand. Miyano blushes. Just then their order is ready and Miyano grabs their drinks.
           They hang out in the cafe for about 30 minutes enjoying their tea. Miyano talking about the latest manga release and his math problems he needs help with. Sasaki mostly admiring his boyfriend, but also talking about how his family is doing. Also about college and how he wants Miyano to meet his friends one day.

        They finished up.  Miyano tossed his empty cup while Sasaki brought his to go with him as he still has some left. They begin walking to Miyano's home,  they are holding hands. Sasaki starts the conversation with " Mya. I want you to meet my college friends. It's just they don't know about us being two guys together. Not that it's a bad thing I just get nervous about how they'll take it." Sasaki looks down and trails off. Miyano responds " Shumei. They aren't real friends if they don't accept you for who you are. Our friends back at our school accepted us without a second thought."  
        Sasaki grabs his hand tighter responding
" You're right, thank you Miya Chan." Sasaki squeezes Miyano's hand tighter and they get to Miyano's apartment. They head up the stairs and he fiddles with his key to open the door. They head in, Sasaki puts his coffee down on the counter. Miyano grabs his hand, leading him to the couch. They are sitting close, Sasaki looking down and blushing. Miyano grabs his hand, to gain his attention then says in a reassuring tone " Shumei, are you feeling okay with what we did last night? Does anything hurt?" Sasaki blushes, getting closer to Miyano and making eye contact. " No Miya I'm okay. Just tired because I couldn't sleep last night since I wasn't next to you." Miyano chuckles replying " Me too honestly it took me forever to finally get to sleep." They both laugh, Miyano still holding Sasaki's hand, with their fingers interlaced says " Shumei one day, I want to have a place of our own. Where we don't have to worry about being interrupted or planning time alone."  Sasaki squeezes his hand tighter and responds " It shouldn't be long til it's possible with both of us working. Though I would want to wait til we have considerable savings as I wouldn't want our studies to fall short." Sasaki then lets Miyano's hand go and lays his head on his lap. Miyano puts one hand on his chest. Then the other to run through Sasaki hair. Miyano speaks up saying " We may be able to do this sooner than we think." Sasaki says " What do you mean?" In a confused tone as he's not sure how they would come up with the funds to make this dream achievable yet. Miyano responds " Our own apartment to have some independence and privacy would be nice. I brought the idea up to my parents for after graduation. I've been nervous and wondering how I'd bring it up to you."
Sasaki sat up, surprised he says " Wow Miya you're serious about us. I'm glad." He blushes and squeezes Miyano's hand. He says " How would it work? I am working part time at the bakery but I wouldn't want you having to cover a majority of the expenses." Miyano responds " Shumei, it can work. My parents want to help out and plus what I make with my part time job and their monthly allowance I feel like would cover it. Obviously it wouldn't be super fancy but it would be our place." Sasaki hugs him and responds " It would be great to share a place with you. I wouldn't mind doing most of the chores either. We can work it out together to see what would be fair for us." Miyano grabs Sasaki's face gently and says softly " Soon Shumei. It will be our time when instead of goodbye it'll be see you at home." With that Sasaki pulls him closer into a heated sloppy kiss. Miyano kissing back but not submitting. He lets Sasaki get on top of him. Sasaki pulls away, on top of Miyano still and says in a breathy tone " Yoshikazu, is this okay?" He asks as he began to kiss and bite Miyano's neck motioning to take his sweater off. (A cardigan sweater is what I'm picturing.) Miyano moans responding " Yes Shumei, I want to go farther if you do." Sasaki helps him up off the couch and says " Why don't we move to your room Miya-Chan? I'm not sure when your parents will be back. I wouldn't want someone walking in on us." Miyano agrees and they head to his room. Miyano leads the way. Sasaki sits on the bed and Miyano before getting close to Sasaki he takes his sweater off. To reveal he wasn't wearing an undershirt today. Sasaki sees the marks left on him from the previous night and blushes. He says "How long til your folks will be home." Miyano locks the door and laughs saying in a flirtatious tone " A few hours, close the blinds behind you we have plenty of time"

Authors note
I kept this entry PG.
I wanted to bring in some wholesome-ness.
Next chapter will be spicy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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