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How can I believe in love when I'm looking that you but your looking that him/ her?

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How can I believe in love when I'm looking that you but your looking that him/ her?




It was the end of first period and second period was a free period to go to our clubs since Mr. Nanami didn't came to school. I grabbed my bag and was about to leave when I heard Aimi shout yuji's name.

"Yuji!" She smiled with her bag on her shoulder, her hair falling down on her shoulder and moving side by side as if air was inside the room.  I looked that my side and there I saw him smiling back that her. Oh how I wished he wasn't, how I wish it was me he would smile like that.  I walked out the  room and headed to art club I wasn't going to stay there  I just couldn't.

"Hey Mary!" There he was Yuta waiting for me in front of the art club with a box.

"Yuta..hello what brings you here?"

"I brought you something. It's something to represent that we are dating." He handed me the white box with a pink bow on top of it. I opened the box to see two pair of rings inside it, one had a pink flower while the other one had a white one.

"Yuta.. you shouldn't have I already told you..stop buying me stuff. But thank you they are beautiful!" I smiled and placed the ring in my finger.

"Now we have a promise ring!" He chuckled

I was about to say something but was stoped when I heard Aimi and Yuji giggles as they head towards the art club. My heart dropped I knew I wasn't being fair with Yuta and it made me feel guilty. But how could I believe in love when he looked that her with those eyes and laughed with her like that.

"Oh hey Yuta Mary!" Aimi shouted as she grabbed Yuji hand and dragged him towards us.

"Hey Yuji Aimi." Yuta smiled but his  smiled was different it looked forced.

"Hey Yuta.." there was tension that couldn't be describe or explain it almost felt like if they were secretly arguing in their mind, there smiles were shown but the meaning behind them wasn't.

"Goodbye Mary I have to go to my own club see you later." He kissed my cheek and left.

I made eye contact with Yuji but broke it I just couldn't look that him. i mean how could I look that my crush when the person I am dating just kissed me but I didn't feel nothing for him. I was a horrible person.

"Let's go inside Mary let's finish our paintings!" She spoke and placed her arm around my shoulder. "See you later Yuji!"

"See you Aimi!" He smiled and waved as he headed to his own club.

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