016. misery business

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misery business
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮SIXTEEN! misery business╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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Hawkins High prided themselves on being the pinnacle of school spirit and their pep rallies were definitely an extension of that belief. The student committee poured all of their time and effort into ensuring that the yearly event was absolutely perfect. 

They wanted the event to be even better than the previous year's, especially after all of the tragedies that had struck their town. This was supposed to their one escape from the harsh reality that had a tight hold on them. And all of the students were definitely feeling the excitement that radiated off of the event, eagerly waiting for the long awaited day as it was a special holiday.

But if you were to ask Ashley Parker then she'd tell you that this pep rally was a complete waste of her goddamn time. The only ounce of enjoyment that she was feeling was that she was being gifted with the opportunity to skip calculus, which happens to her least favourite class. And once that sliver of excitement had inevitably worn off, she would be reunited with her old friend . . . misery.

Ashley was reluctant to sit in the stands, sandwiched in between all of the overly excited teenagers but the wandering eyes of the authority figures was enough to keep her from fleeing the gymnasium. She already had enough absences taunting her record for the year and she couldn't bear to listen to yet another lecture from her already disappointed parents. She decided to just suck it up for the time being.

But every passing second felt more agonizing than the last and she was desperate to escape the room, wanting to free herself from this misery. She could practically feel her soul beginning to die as time went on due to overly peppy attitude that was masking the clearly depressing atmosphere. She wanted to be anywhere in the world but here.

It felt like hours before the piercing sound of the scoreboard going off and the shaking of pom-poms had come to a sudden halt. She couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, watching her fellow peers arise from their seats and making their way towards the main doors that led back into the hallways.

But instead of following the packed crowd, she just diligently weaved her way through, going the opposite direction as everyone else was. She took a quick survey, making sure no eyes were drawn to her before slipping out the back door. She was in desperate need of air after almost practically suffocating to death in that stuffy gymnasium.

Upon emerging into the outside world, she couldn't help but release a breath of air that she didn't realize that she was subconsciously holding in. She could feel the pounding in her heart begin to recede, settling back into a comfort rhythm that made living a more pleasant experience than before. She wanted to hold onto this feeling of relief and decided that it was best to just stay outside for as long as humanly possible, even if she risked skipping class.

𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ! robin buckley Where stories live. Discover now