I. College

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Hey lovely!

Hope you are having great and fun time lately! Anyway, this is the new chapter and please do show some love and support, don't make me feel disheartened since the views are more than the votes.

Just a little thing for me... that would make me feel more fun and interested while writing the story.

Enjoy Reading! 🌷🌌


In the depths of the forest, a shroud of darkness enveloped the surroundings, lending an air of eerie mystique. The ethereal glow of dawn awaited on the horizon, yet he refused to squander a single precious second. With unwavering resolve, he pressed on, his footsteps a rhythmic cadence in harmony with the enchanting whispers of the woodland.

As he emerged from the depths of shadowed woods, he quickened his pace, weaving through the towering trees, evading any potential threats that may lurk in the shadows.

In the midst of the dense woodland, the cover of night made it challenging to perceive the creatures that maybe surrounded him.

A little hint of dawn was enough for him to turn his run into a slow pace of walk. He needed to get out of this place, this forest as soon as possible.

As he ventured deeper into the enchanted forest, the symphony of rustling leaves goes as a melodious whisper in his ears, making him feel calm and tranquil.

The delicate dawn's first light painted the skies in the hues of gold and rose, casting an ethereal glow upon the ancient trees.

Yet, amidst this tranquil beauty, some footsteps emerged, echoing through the dense foliage.

It was then, when his soft, curious and doe pair of eyes meets with another's fierce, sharp and cold pair.

And that's when he woke up.

|8:33 am|

"Again...." Rohan thinks while sighing.

Avoiding it, he starts doing his morning routine as he was now used to that strange dream.

And right now he needed to head for the college.

His father who didn't like the fact his son was living in a dusty and weird dorm provided by the college. He insisted Rohan to stay somewhere near to the college in a flat.

Rohan, accepts it after alot insisting of his dad.


|8:57 am|

"Shit... did I even complete my homework?" Rohan whisper yells to himself.

After getting ready he searches for his exercise copy.

A sigh of relief escapes from his mouth as he finds that his homework and all are totally completed.

He is very punctual, perfect and precise when it comes to his college work and study.

It's been almost a year that he is somewhat famous in his college and is also known as a 'taciturn ace'.

After taking a bun from his refrigerator, he sets off to his college.

From his flat, it was hardly 12 minutes of walk.
And since he uses his bicycle, then he reaches 6-7 mins before.

The speed of his cycling is almost as fast as a motor bike.


|14:27 pm|

"Naina? Are you done? I'm hungry beta..."

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