II. Vacation

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After a week or two, Dhriti, who is Manvi's big sister, makes the heartfelt choice to journey back to her home in the beautiful city of Mysore, in Karnataka. Meanwhile, Naina is bubbling with excitement and a touch of nervousness as she eagerly anticipates sharing the wonderful news of her college admission in the vibrant city of New Delhi.


|14:37 pm|

After picking up her sister from the airport and sensing a strange atmosphere between Manvi and Dhriti, Naina decides to give them space, believing they will work through whatever is bothering them.

Currently, Naina is in the kitchen, cooking and waiting for Dhriti and Manvi to come out of Dhriti's room.

Finally, Manvi emerges from the room, letting out a sigh and taking a seat, followed by Dhriti settling in behind her. Mr. and Mrs. Agarwal has already greeted and hugged Dhriti before heading out for their shopping.

"Di! Look at what I made for you today!" Naina exclaims joyfully.

"More hungry than her, Naina. Serve me more, please," Manvi pouts and gives Naina puppy eyes, causing Naina to shake her head.

"She's my sister, so she'll serve me more than anyone," Dhriti remarks with a side-eye and a roll of her eyes.

"Huh... attitude!" Manvi scoffs at Dhriti.

"Who said I'll serve more? I'm the queen of myself. I'll be indulging so much... only for myself, rawr!"

Naina declares dramatically, whispering the last three words before dramatically roaring, leaving Manvi and Dhriti looking at her strangely for her quirky behavior.

"Whats up with that random, strange vibe Naina?" Dhriti, completely exasperated and bewildered, questions the peculiar mood enveloping Naina. She inquires, while her frustration evident in her tone.

Manvi, interjects with a carefree grin, "Oh, that's just Naina's quirky motto, girl! Let her be, and let's dive into this scrumptious feast!"
With a gleeful expression, she promptly begins savoring her meal.


|15:10 pm|

"Dude, let's hit up the club tonight!" A random guy bursts out in the classroom, his friends chiming in with enthusiastic agreement, filling the room with cheers and excitement.

To Rohan, those words were like nails on a chalkboard, grating against his ears with an irritating intensity that made him cringe inwardly. He swiftly gathers his belongings, ready to make his exit when a familiar voice calls out his name, halting him in his tracks.

"Rohan..." The soft, gentle tone belongs to none other than Ayushi, a sound that grates on Rohan's nerves more than any loud noise could.

Without turning around, Rohan pauses in his steps, silently signaling his readiness to endure whatever conversation Ayushi has in store for him, a mix of resignation and impatience coloring his demeanor.

"I... just wanted to ask... how are you spending your vacation?"

Rohan lets out a weary sigh, reluctantly turning to face Ayushi, his expression betraying his inner reluctance.

"Assignments," his voice, deep and resonant, reverberates in Ayushi's ears, sending a shiver down her spine, a sensation she's grown accustomed to over time.

"Oh... don't you..." Ayushi's words trail off as Rohan abruptly cuts her off, departing before she can finish her thought.

"...meet your parents...?" The unfinished sentence lingers in the air as Ayushi watches Rohan retreat from her view, a sense of longing and unspoken questions hanging in the space between them.

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