III. Flight

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As she ventured through the dense jungle, her bow and arrow in hand, the morning sun painted the sky in a mesmerizing canvas of golden hues, rose tints, and wisps of candy-like white clouds. The tranquil beauty of the dawn enveloped her in a sense of peace and wonder.

Suddenly, a rustling of leaves and the sound of approaching footsteps shattered the serenity, sparking a surge of adrenaline within her. With determination and a racing heart, she sprinted forward, her bow poised and arrow ready to confront the unseen threat ahead.

In a swift and decisive move, she positioned herself face to face with the source of the disturbance, her fierce, icy gaze locking onto soft, tender eyes that mirrored vulnerability and gentleness. Her focus shifted downward to the person's chest, where a profusely bleeding wound marred his heart, evoking a mix of unease, a strange sense of empathy and specially, a fear within her..

|02:59 am|

Naina's eyes snapped open, her scream piercing the darkness like a shattered glass. The sound waves reverberated through the room, jolting Dhriti and Manvi awake.

"Naina? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Dhriti asked, her voice laced with concern as she gently rubbed Naina's head, her fingers tangling in the tousled hair.

Manvi's eyes narrowed, her gaze fixed on Naina's quivering form. "I think she had a nightmare..." she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of Naina's heart.

With gentle care, Manvi guided Naina's slightly trembling body to lean towards the bed.

Dhriti hastened to Naina's side, a glass of water cradled in her hands like an offering. Manvi flipped the switch, and the room was bathed in a warm, golden light.

Soon, the door creaked open, and Mrs. Agarwal's worried face appeared, her eyes scanning the room before settling on her distraught daughter.

"Who screamed? Naina, what happened, dear?" Mrs. Agarwal's voice was a soothing balm, her words dripping with maternal concern. She glided towards Naina, her movements graceful and calming, and sat beside her, enveloping her in a warm embrace.

"Aunty, I think she had a nightmare..." Manvi explained, her voice barely above a whisper, as she retrieved the empty glass from Naina's limp hand and placed it on the bedside table.

Mrs. Agarwal's gentle fingers traced the contours of Naina's face, her eyes locked on her daughter's tear-stained cheeks.

"Nightmare? Oh, dear... it was just a dream, Naina. Nothing to worry about, hm?"
Her words were a gentle melody, a lullaby designed to soothe the savage beast of fear that had awakened within Naina.

Naina's nod was almost imperceptible, her body language screaming vulnerability, as she burrowed into her mother's embrace, seeking solace in the warmth and love that only a mother could provide.

Mrs. Agarwal's gentle voice broke the silence, 'Time for bed, my dear ones. I'll leave you to your dreams.' She released Naina from her warm embrace, her eyes filled with love and concern. The girls nodded in unison, their eyes heavy with sleep.

Mrs. Agarwal's gaze lingered on Naina's face before turning to Dhriti, her voice soft but firm, "Take care of her, Dhriti. And don't stay up too late, okay?"

Dhriti nodded, a sly smile spreading across her face. "Good night, sweet dreams" Mrs. Agarwal whispered, her footsteps quiet as she left the room.

"Alright, let's sleep," Dhriti said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Manvi, lights out, please."

Manvi playfully protested, "Why me always?" but obligingly switched off the light. The room plunged into darkness, the only sound the soft rustling of sheets as they settled in.

"Good night, everyone," Dhriti whispered, her voice a soothing melody. "We'll talk about your dream tomorrow, Naina." Naina nodded, her eyes already closing.

Manvi chimed in, her voice filled with excitement, 'Include me in the discussion too!' Dhriti chuckled, "Yeah, yeah, sleep tight, everyone."


|6:49 am|

Rohan's eyes flew open as a loud thunderclap shook the air. He tossed off his covers and padded to the window, drawn to the tumultuous sky. The clouds were a deep, foreboding grey, their thick rolls stretching across the heavens like a vast, rumpled blanket. The wind howled and moaned, its mournful sighs echoing through the streets.

But as Rohan gazed out into the stormy darkness, a tiny smile began to creep across his face. The flashes of lightning illuminated the sky, casting an otherworldly glow over the scene. The air was heavy with the scent of rain, a primal and earthy smell that filled Rohan's lungs and lifted his spirits. The chill breeze carried the whispers of the storm, its gentle caress soothing Rohan's frazzled nerves.

It was as if the storm had rolled in just for him, bringing with it a sense of peace and tranquility. The tension in his shoulders eased, his breathing slowed, and his heart felt lighter. And then, like a symphony of droplets, the rain began to fall, its gentle patter a lullaby to Rohan's soul.

He couldn't help but grin, his love for rain rekindled in that moment. With a spring in his step, he headed to the bathroom to freshen up, the prospect of a steaming cup of coffee waiting to warm his hands and his heart.


|08:23 am|

Rohan sat by the window, mesmerized by the raindrops sliding down the pane. The storm was slowly clearing, and the sky was transforming into a soft grey. He let out a gentle sigh, his gaze drifting to his phone. His eyes lit up as he saw a message from his dad.

"Air India flight on Saturday, 12 noon. You'll arrive in approx 2 hours 40 mins."

Rohan's face broke into a subtle smile as he read the words. He had been eager to book the earliest flight possible, desperate to escape Karnataka and get back to his assignments. The thought of completing his work on time brought a sense of relief.

"Thanks, Dad," he whispered, his voice barely audible. He placed his cup in the sink, his movements slow and thoughtful. The message had lifted his mood, and he felt a sense of gratitude towards his father.


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Stay safe and happy! 🌷🌌

Love, Urvi ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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