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Y/n woke up with a slight migraine at six in the morning because of the less amount of sleep she had got

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Y/n woke up with a slight migraine at six in the morning because of the less amount of sleep she had got. She walked towards the bathroom and did her morning bathroom activities. After that, she brushed her hair and did a light makeup, just some mascara and some lip gloss because she didn't have to go out anywhere.


A slight knock made my attention divert from the mirror. I frowned. Who could be up so early, I thought. I walked towards the door and slightly opened it. I saw a butler with a food trolley staring at me, with a gentle smile. He looked like he was in his 60s and looked very kind.

I asked him about the food "Ma'am, Young Master Minato had asked me to bring you breakfast in your room. He said you wake up early, I'm sorry if I disturbed your sleep" I shook my head "No! Not at all! Also, you didn't have to do it. I'm a maid and this all is my job too.." I said, looking at the trolley with a nervous smile. "Boys have left early morning because they had to go out for some work, Minato's admission and Kenji had some other work. Asahi just thought of a morning workout" he said and continued speaking.

"So the boys said they wouldn't like you preparing for yourself and then them for so long and eating alone so they asked me to bring this to you here so you can just relax in your room" I just melted, they are so kind "They are so kind...I..don't have any words to say..I'm just a maid..."

He chuckled "Well I don't think these boys think of you as some maid, being honest. Especially Minato, this was his idea, he spends alot of time with me...and well.." he just chuckled and didn't say anything else. My face blushed.

"Oh no, you mustve got the wrong idea..they are just very kind so that's why they are treating me so nice...I'm sure they won't have such low standards to be looking at someone like me with some interest.." I said, knowing where I come from and where I stand when compared to them.

The butler chuckled "Well they are kind to us too...but this is different.." he smiled and left the trolley "I think you can take this from here, I'll get going and cook them some food until they return" I smiled and nodded, bringing the food into my room. It smelled really nice and I don't remember the last time I even smelled something as tasty as this.

I sat on my bed, my heart beating so fast. Minato..he seems like such a sweetheart ...When my hand got slightly burnt, he seemed so worried...and he did try to help me while cooking, it's me who messed up..if I'm being honest, he is becoming my favourite among these boys.

The food trolley had everything, from salty to sweet. Desserts, appetizers, and some dishes that I had never seen. I started eating and it was all so delicious. Even though I didn't eat all of it because I don't have a big appetite but I ate a little more than I usually eat because it looked so delicious..

I smiled after placing the dishes back into the trolley and thought to thank Minato when he returns. I dragged the trolley with me towards the kitchen. It made me remember when I didn't know where the kitchen was and Asahi helped me out. Who knew he'd turn out to be such a weirdo and same with Kenji, he's becoming a weirdo too. Only Minato hasn't been a weirdo yet..

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