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Minato's eyes widened and there was a scared expression on his face

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Minato's eyes widened and there was a scared expression on his face. No, he wasn't scared of Asahi, he was scared of the fact Asahi was gonna take his muse away and his painting would remain unfinished.

Asahi being the tallest, it took him just a few strides to reach where Minato was and just a little strength to throw him against a wall. Asahi's eyes were as red as blood as he continued punching Minato on his face, injuring his nose badly.

Asahi had held Minato's collar and he picked him up by his collar just by one hand, in the air and pushed him against the wall, landing more punches on his stomach. Y/n was looking at everything with shock.

She was just in her bra, body shivering, terror on her face and clearly she wasn't prepared mentally to witness two fights in a day and this one was way too brutal. She stood up somehow and stood between Minato's stomach and Asahi's fist when another punch was about to land. "Asahi!!! No!! Stop!"

Asahi's eyes widened and his hand started trembling as it was just an inch away from breaking her nose accidentally. He let go of Minato and hugged her. Y/n hugged him back as she cried in his arms.

Minato was laying on the ground, holding his stomach because the impact of the punches was unbearable. He coughed and gasped for air but he couldn't fetch no air to get to his lungs. He was surely deprived of oxygen because of how brutally Asahi beat him up.

Asahi spat at him "Dickhead you should be happy for two things!" He said as he glared his younger brother. "Number 1, i didn't even use 20% of my strength because you are my brother" He then looked at y/n who looked so numb. He softly planted a kiss on top of her head "And second, that she came between us or else.."

Y/n shook her head "A..Asahi..he isn't in a good state..we need to call a doctor, quick!" Asahi frowned "Call a doctor for this piece of shit who just abused you mentally!?" Y/n joined her hands "Please Asahi, please I beg you, call a doctor quick!" Asahi let out a sigh "fucks sake" and rushed out of the room to call the family doctor.

Y/n sat infront of Minato who was just laying on the ground, holding his tummy. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, i..I'm sorry Minato.. because of me..two times.." she was so emotionally drained and sad that she kept blaming herself even though it was not her fault, it was Minato and Asahi's fault.

Minato gently hold onto her hand "My muse.." he whispered "Don't cry...I did cross my limits" he coughed. She gulped "Are you feeling okay..?" He shook his head "No...Asahi is strong..haha.." Minato said, wincing in pain. Y/n hugged him "I'm sorry.."

"It's all good, even though he hit me...I still got my muse here...you are devine.." he said as he softly kissed her cheek "I don't care if I've to go through a 100s of such fights for you y/n" y/n cried "You are crazy Minato.." He laughed "For you, I'm more than just crazy, I'm eccentric, I'm insane, a maniac..." He placed his finger on her chin.

"You were mine before you even got to know these two, you've been mine since we were kids, that's a different story that you don't remember. And there ain't no way I'm gonna let these two pieces of shit or that crazy bastard Haruto take you, mark my words"

Y/n's eyes widened. What did he even mean? That's what she was thinking. She was confused. What did he mean by when we were kids and how the hell does he know about Haruto....what the actual fuck was going on? She went numb. Minato was an absolute psychopath in her eyes now.

Asahi entered the room and sighed looking at Minato and y/n still clinging to eachother. Kenji entered the room, worry evident on his face as he saw Minato in this state. Kenji glared Asahi "Why the fuck would you do that??? Are you insane Asahi!?" It was the first time y/n had seen Kenji raise his voice so much.

"He was touching her inappropriately brother! It was the only thing that came to my mind! I was way too angry!!" Asahi said, the veins in his necks visible and so were in Kenji's neck. Kenji's forehead was sweating now. "Don't be saying shit! Have you not done that before him, me?? Motherfucker you almost killed him, look at him"

Y/n was glaring Kenji now "You shut the hell up Kenji! Fucking pick Minato up and put him on the bed, both of you!" Kenji's face had no expressions now, he was left dumbfounded. Without saying anything, both the brother placed Minato on the bed.

"Kenji, were you fucking justifying Minato's inappropriate touching??" She yelled, walking towards Kenji "How much of a jerk can you be?? Atleast Asahi helped me when I was suffering, i forgive him for doing what he did to me, i forgave you too, but that doesn't mean if I've been sexually assaulted by you guys or anybody at all before, other guys can do the same and it becomes justifiable somehow!"

All the pent up anger was coming out now. She was already very upset because how Haruto got sad because of Kenji's hickeys. "Y/n, shut up, you enjoyed it more than anything, now you wanna put it on me. That doesn't work here!"


Asahi gasped, Minato was watching all this with fear in his eyes. Kenji's face was turned towards the right because of the impact of y/n's slap. The whole palm was imprinted on Kenji's cheek.

A snort escaped Asahi as he controlled his laugh. Y/n glared him and he immediately fell silent. Minato covered his face by his hands to stop anybody from seeing his smiling, bruised up face.  Asahi just turned towards a different direction.

The whole room was silent now. "You motherfucker, touch me again and I'll break your fingers and that's the warning for all three of you, jerks" It ticked something in the brothers. They could take jokes, sarcasm, anything but insult? No.

Kenji stood up and slapped her back and she fell on the floor. Minato's eyes widened as he tried to stand up for his love but failed. Asahi just stood up, trying to stop his brother "No, big bro..don't, she's a kid"

Kenji glared Asahi, a clear warning not to step in or he'd be fucked up too. Asahi couldn't do anything but watch with anger in his eyes. He went to y/n and grabbed her collar. She gasped as he made her look at him. There were no expressions on his face.

"Listen to me you little bitch, enough games now, I treated you nicely and you took it forgranted, my dad hasn't ever hit me either, what makes you think you could?" Kenji said as he looked into her eyes but soon his own eyes softened and his voice went down "Listen to me baby...I don't take disrespect...insult..at all...I tried but u saw what happened, so don't repeat..you get me?"

Y/n didn't say anything, she kept looking at the floor. Kenji yanked her collar "Do you get it Ms y/n?" Now asking with a more threatening voice. She smirked "What kind of a man you are when you have to try so hard to assert dominance?"

Kenji's anger issues were fucked up, his fists were all set to punch. "Y/n...im asking again baby...do you get me..?" She shook her head and chuckled "Nope!" Kenji wrapped his hand around her collar and almost choked her breathless when Asahi pulled him back "Brother!! No!! Stop now! Stop!!"

Kenji let go and inhaled deeply as y/n was gasping for oxygen. He cussed under his breath and left the room, shutting the door with a thud. She looked at the door "Son of a fucking bitch.."

To be continued<33

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I hope you liked this chapter too! Please vote and comment! I'm so sorry for the delay!!

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