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Minato was just sleeping as I entered his room and sat on the chair, waiting for him to wake up

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Minato was just sleeping as I entered his room and sat on the chair, waiting for him to wake up. I can't deny it, I missed him alot. I went towards him and gently pat his head, running my fingers through his hair. I placed my forehead against his and spoke "I'm so sorry you had to go through all that.." I whispered.

I moved away and when I was about to go and sit on the chair, a sudden grip on my wrist pulled me back and I landed on the bed, beside Minato. His pretty eyes stared into mine as my face blushed red.
His eyes softened as he looked at me. "My muse.." he whispered as he dragged his index finger from my forehead to my nose, to my jaw, my neck and finally tapping on my lips.

He inhaled deeply and spoke "You are so gorgeous... especially these eyes.." he said as he softly kissed my eyelids, cupping my cheek. I gulped hard. Maybe he's sick? Minato smirked slightly and hovered me on the bed, pinning my wrists above my head. My face turned deep red.

He looked gorgeous, the way his hair fell on his forehead, covering his eyes a little, the way his face shone so beautifully and the way his nose scrunched when he smiled. I don't know why but I had the urge to kiss him. His lips looked so kissable.

"Mi..Minato..you should rest" I said. He inhaled sharply before nuzzling his face into my neck crook and speaking "I can't resist it anymore y/n.." I gulped again. What's gotten over him?


Minato nuzzled his face into her neck crook before licking her ear lobe gently "You are my desire.." he said as he kissed her cheek "You are all that I require.." Minato said as he kissed her nose and then stared at her lips for a good two seconds and then placed them on hers.

She gasped as he did so. He deepend the kiss when he felt she had become comfortable. His one arm wrapped around her waist and the other one wrapped around her neck. Minato pulled away after a few minutes to breathe. Y/n looked flushed "Minato.." She almost moaned. "Oh fuck.." He gulped and placed his lips on hers again "You drive me insane.." He said as he bit her lip slightly and placed his tongue inside her mouth.

His both arms now resting on the either sides of her head. Finally pulling back after a few more minutes, he sighed "You taste so good.." She blushed "And it hurts my soul to know both my brothers got this taste before I could.. because I was too busy pretending to be the good guy.."

Her eyes widened. What did he mean? He smirked "You know you belong to me since we were kids?" She gulped "I don't belong to anybody.." She said. Minato chuckled "Oh sweetheart...you do belong to me, now you know it.." He said as he kissed her cheek softly.

"Minato let me go.." She said. Minato laughed and pressed her firmly on the bed by her shoulders. "I might look like the sweet little 18 yr old kid but you do understand I'm a guy who is crazy as hell for you??" He said, his eyes flashing with desire, obsession, love and lust. It scared her.

"Mi-Minato you are acting strange.." She said, tears welling up in her eyes. His eyes saddened "Hey, don't cry! I'm not! Can you not see this love?? I'm literally head over heels for you! Can you not see?? And if you think I'm acting crazy..." He scoffed "You haven't seen the real crazy me yet"

She shook under him "Let me go!" Minato laughed "I love it...I love you!!" He said. His yandere side coming to the light when he abruptly opened the drawer of the table next to his bed while y/n stayed under him, observing his movements.

He smirked sadistically when he got a small silk fabric and wrapped it around her wrists. "Minato! No!! What are you doing!!?" He placed his hand on her mouth "Shush baby... nothing that might hurt you, I won't rape you.." she gulped and exhaled in relief knowing he won't do what she thought he would.

He smiled at her and kissed her lips softly "Trust me...I won't do anything weird with you.." She inhaled deeply. "No way in the hell am I going to hurt my muse, never...she is my most precious..my muse" He said as he wrapped the silk fabric around her mouth and smiled "Trust me..I just wanna paint my sweet little muse.."

The silk fabric wasn't suffocating and he hadn't wrapped it tightly either. He just wanted a reference. Minato smiled and started unbuttoning her shirt. She shook her head but he didn't listen "I won't strip you down totally, I just want a pretty reference" He said as he removed her shirt, leaving her just in her maroon bra.

Luckily, he didn't go down and remove her pants. She was now laying on the creme coloured satin sheets with nothing covering her upper body other than her own bra. Minato was amused and aroused "Oh fuck...so fucking hot.."

He said as he got up and went to grab his drawing notebook and colours. He made her sit, hands behind her back, head tilted to the right as her silky hair fall elegantly in the same direction. She had her collar bones and cleavage on show.

Minato smiled as he sat a little away from her "Oh my god, the prettiest scenery... please don't move at all, it'll just take me a few minutes" She gulped.
Minato continued drawing her with a serious expression, adjusting her from time to time.

It wasn't something she had given him the consent of. She wasnt enjoying it, she was scared, terrified because she saw the way he had smiled and yelled at her earlier while confessing his love. Y/n now knew she had made a huge mistake coming to this mansion for work.

She was being treated like a prop. Sometimes Kenji would find a way to touch her, sometimes Asahi, sometimes Minato, she had realised she was just a thing to them that they could use anytime.

Tears fall off her eyes while Minato drew her. She felt humiliated sitting in that state infront of him. Y/n was a little heartbroken now. Minato saw her tears and he gasped, laughing like crazies "Oh my god, this adds so much more beauty to my muse!! So pretty!! As if pearls are falling off your gorgeous eyes" He said as he smiled like psychopaths.

Suddenly the room opened and there stood Asahi, anger flashing in his eyes and a very distorted expression on his face. It looked like he was going to kill Minato.

"You're so dead now"

To be continued!
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To be continued!I hope you all liked this chapter!Please vote and share your opinions ❤️

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