Chapter 15

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"Oh shit!" I cursed myself as I regretted the words falling out of my mouth.

"You promise?" Nicholas smiled creepily.

"I promise.. I'll do anything..." I grasped onto him.

"Alright then..." Nicholas sat down on the bed. "Sit in my lap and let me touch you."

"What?" I asked immediately. "You're not serious?"

"I am 100% serious Sammy. You wanna know the stuff in your file, you sit on my lap and let me touch you." He deadpanned. "Let me hug you." He clarified. 

"Is there anything else?" My voice squeaked.

"You could kiss me." He turned to face me directly.

My mouth gaped open.

"Anything else???" I begged with my eyes.

"Nope!" He smirked, "pick one."

My mind failed me.

I had never been kissed before and did not want to give it to Nicholas...I didn't care what he said. It wasn't going to happen.

On the other hand, I also did not want to sit in his lap, or hug him...that was literally how every age gap pornography I had seen started...and I wasn't down for that.

"I'm waiting Samuel," he reminded me.

"I-I-," I began.

"1." He started to count.

"What are you doing??" I panicked.

"2." He continued. "If I get to three I'm going to make you get in my lap, kiss you, touch you, and you won't get to know what is is the file."

"OKAY OKAY." I waved my hand up in his face. "I-I will do it!" I decided at once through a coin toss in my mind.

"Wait here," he giggled as he stood up and went to the bathroom.

I sat on the bed and felt myself heat up with anticipation. Memories of the previous night rushed into my mind; how he touched me, how he had tossed me around like a he had just...I felt my cheeks heat up at once and something stirred deep within. 

"Oh God Samuel George Albright!" I chided myself, "No! No fantasies about this dreamy man!"

He returned without a shirt on and in basketball shorts.

"What are you wearing?" I piped up.

"Comfortable clothes." He smiled as he tossed me some. "Change now." He jerked his head at me. 

"Uhhhhh." I froze, wondering what he meant. I was already dressed, albeit in his oversized clothes. 

He noticed my confusion and gestured with his head to the corner of the room; there sat my suitcase. Ever since he had bitten me, I had been wearing his clothes...and I hated being swallowed by them. 

"If you don't do it now I will change your clothes for you." He put a hand on his hip scowling a bit.

"Alright!" I shot upward, stretching out and grabbing the suitcase. I flung it on the bed and yanked it open, I did not even care what I would wear, I just dove in and grabbed something. 

I started to walk away but a strong hand touched my shoulder.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"T-To change?" I piped up.

"Here. Just do it here." He crossed over and sat at the edge of the bed. He was so nonchalant about it that it freaked me out. 

I felt my mouth gap.

"What are you worried about? We're both guys." He smirked.

"Well yeah, but-!" I started.

"Just do it, I won't bite." He smiled. 

It took a lot for me to not to snap back that he indeed did bite; but I had given up. I was worn out. 

I rolled my eyes at him and turned my back at him as I pulled off my shirt. The one he'd given me looked two or three sizes too big, but mine fit me snuggly. I kept my back turned to him as I pulled the shirt over my head. I started to pull my pants off, but I turned my head and peaked at Nicholas. He was staring intently. I went as quickly as possible in removing the loose shorts I had on and shimmied into my shorts, which in the moment, seemed too short. I felt self conscious as the shorts hugged my ass and front too tightly for comfort...I didn't even know I owned them. 

I turned to face him and saw him grasping the sheets tightly. I felt myself shiver.

"Come on," he scooted back slightly and opened his legs. "Sit," he patted his thigh.

I felt my breath hitch sharply, my heart beat rang in my ears, and it took everything for me to force my feet forward.

I stopped directly in front of him, my heart beat pounding in my ears.

My eyes betrayed me as they started to drawl up and down Nicholas' body. He was a large man...definitely older than me. It made me embarrassed to think how small I was compared to him. I made out a scar on his lower abdomen and my eyes lingered there. It was somewhat jagged, and laced it's way downward. 

"You gonna stare at me all day or are you gonna sit?" I heard Nicholas's rough voice.

My eyes shot back up to his face. His eyes were flashing at me and I could see him fighting with himself.

I put my hand on his shoulder as I climbed into his lap. A smile crossed his face and I shuddered inadvertently. I sat myself loosely on his thigh and averted my gaze from him.

"This is awkward." He snickered.

"No shit," I quipped in my head as my eyes shot up to him and then went right back to the side.

"Here." His voice was a bit more rough than normal as I felt a hand on my waist, and another hand on my arm.

I was yanked forward and my body crashed into his. I yelped as the space between our bodies closed and warmth engulfed me.

"Much better." Nicholas sighed as his arms wrapped around me. 

I felt him bury his face in my hair and his hands began to roam around my body. I squeaked as his fingers crossed over my nipple. The fabric of the shirt was thin; he grabbed my nipple in his finger and pinched me hard.

"What are you doing?" I tried to pull back.

"Having my fun. You want the folder, right?" Nicholas leaned his head into my chest.

"Well...yeah..." my mind stalled a little. "But I thought you said you just wanted a hug..." I spoke slowly, preventing my stutter. 

"I am," His voice sounded like he was smirking a bit, "But I also have what I want to let me do what I want." He growled a little as he flipped us over.

I gripped onto his shoulders but still managed to bounce up and down on the bed.

My heart pounded as my mind raced,

"What the hell have I gotten myself into??? Why did I agree to this?? Why has my curiosity over my deadbeat father gotten the best of me???"

I stared into Nicholas's eyes and couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and fear as they flashed between green and black. My breath caught in my throat as his hand reached down at me. His nails were elongated slightly, like claws and my eyes focused on them. I could see him using all of his willpower to keep from doing something he would regret. He reached down and caressed my face as gently as he could, but his claw-like nail scratched my cheek and I winced.

He growled a bit and got off of me. He stalked a bit at the edge of the bed, staring down at me with black eyes. My eyes traveled down his form and stopped at a particular spot...he was...straining in his shorts. He was...monstrous.

"Stay here." His voice was gravely as his eyes faded back to green. He walked away for a second and rummaged around for a while before tossing a manilla folder on the bed.

I sat up and pulled it into my lap. My name was placed across the top in neat black letters.

It was my folder.

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