Chapter 57

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I sat awkwardly in front of the doctor. His smile was painful as he looked between myself and Nicholas.

I peered at Nicholas, he was biting his nails and seemed to somehow be pacing in place.

The doctor attempted to get his attention and show him that there was a chair set next to me, but he was too focused on his nervous nail biting.

"Nicholas!" I felt something call out to didn't feel like me.

He turned to me at once.

I felt a force unknown shove my arm out and point at the chair.

Nicholas was quick to sit down beside me.

We turned back to the doctor, whose smile had not changed once in the five minutes we had already been in the room.

He picked up and folded and leaned back in his chair.

"Well," he began, "are you ready for it?" He smiled even more.

I will admit to confusion of what "it" was exactly.

"Yes," Nicholas answered dryly, leaning forward.

"I must admit this is the first time I've seen such a thing in all my years as a doctor...not just for this pack...but for forever." He started. "Our Luna is unique, and I want to emphasize this before I continue."

"Paul," Nicholas deadpanned.

If this bitch doesn't hurry the fuck up...Winter started.

"Alright alright, calm down Alpha." The doctor put his hand out and moved it down a few times before he kept going. "It appears that our Luna here, is a rare hybrid."

"A...what now?!?" I shrieked, letting my voice erupt and fill the room. "What the fuck is a hybrid!?!"

I turned to Nicholas, who for the first time since I had arrive in this forsaken place, was white as a sheet.

"Nicholas!" I shot up, grabbing onto his shoulders and shaking him. "What the fuck is he talking about?!" I shook harder, "what is a hybrid?!"

Us, obviously. Winter stated matter of factly.

"Now, now Luna! Calm yourself, come here." The doctor took my shoulders and pulled me away from the shocked Nicholas. "Take a seat and I'll explain everything." He cooed at me.

"Explain...?" I vocalized.

"Now," he pulled out some paper and a pencil. "A hybrid is a cross between a human and a wolf. As we are aware your mother was human and your father was, well, a wolf."

I shook my head.

"95% of the time, the genes work so that the child or children of such a combination of mates is either human or wolf. Usually there is no in between." He drew circles and lines all over the paper, depicting his words. "But, 5% of the time, the genes work out differently and hybrids are born. Like you."

"And what's that mean?" I felt myself begin to shiver, "do-does that mean th-that I-I am-am like h-him?" I pointed to the still seemingly frozen Nicholas.

"Oh no no!" The doctor waved his hands on the air. "Hybrids are quite different than normal wolves."

"How?" I began to hug myself.

"Well, wolves like Nicholas have another mind...another self that is purely wolf. They can also manipulate their bodies and transform in large wolves. Nicholas, being an Alpha is larger than most, and being a supreme Alpha, he is currently one of the largest in the continental USA. Hybrids, on the other hand, often have a second self, a second mind, but they can't fully transform into wolves. Often they never transform into wolves in the same way normal wolves do and they live in tandem with their inner selves. Hybrids who have been documented to change have been relatively small, underdeveloped, and often to not omegas in pack rankings." He explained as plainly as he could.

"W-Will I e-ever...?" I had trouble forming words.

"It's hard to say Luna...every hybrid is different. In fact, according to my research, as of right now, you are the only one in the Pacific Northwest." He shrugged a bit.

"W-What?" I couldn't believe my ears.

"All hybrids have an inner self." He leaned in, "do you have one?"

"What is that?" I was in a daze.

"It's like someone else talking in your head." He smiled again at me.

You better tell him. Winter piped up finally.

In that moment I knew he was right, there was no point in trying to deny it anymore.

"Then...I suppose I have." I began.

"Tell me more," he stood up suddenly, taking a syringe filled with something from the counter and walking it over to Nicholas.

"I-it's someone in my head who I used to think was my only special friend..." I tried not to sound crazy.

You're failing. Winter spoke and I could see his eyes rolling.

"Oh..." he vocalized as he shoved the syringe in Nicholas's neck and pushed the substance in his vein. "Does your special friend have a name?"

"I-Yeah," I watched on fear as Nicholas's body jerked and he seemed to rush back into himself.

"What's the name?" The doctor asked again.

"W-Winter. It's called Winter." I couldn't keep my eyes of Nicholas as he began to cough so much he seemed near death.

"Winter is a beautiful name," he cooed.

Thank you. I could see Winter smiling.

"Do you two speak often?" The doctor continued.

"No, just recently. And then when I was younger." I turned my attention back to the doctor.

"I would have figured so." He sighed.

"What's wrong Doc?" Nicholas finally awoke from his trance like state.

"When I was running tests on his blood, I found something else that shouldn't have been there." He began, his eyebrows knitted together. "It seemed to be some sort of medicine or antigen...but whatever it was seemed to cause his blood to appear human while also simultaneously concealing his second self within him." The doctor seemed to begin to fret.

"Doc, what are you saying?" Nicholas stood.

"I'm saying, that whatever was used on our Luna, must be found. This antigen is not something we should allow to be produced. It erased detection of his hybrid of genes and it most likely nearly killed his second half." He stood as well. "It is dangerous Nicholas, dangerous to our kind and all those who want to put us down...most ever so to those like our Luna, hybrids whose human parents want to quell their inner selves. If this antigen is evolved more, it could even be used to silence wolves as strong as yourself."

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