1- The White Robed Avenger

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In the tranquil morning light, as the first rays of dawn painted the countryside of Dwaraka in hues of gold and amber, a clandestine procession wound its way through the verdant landscape. The rhythmic cadence of hooves echoed softly against the backdrop of waking nature as a band of mounted figures moved with stealth.
At the helm rode the rugged bandits, their body clad in black clothes and their chests protected by metal breast plates. Behind them, nestled within the protective cocoon of a carriage, lay the spoils of their nocturnal exploits - treasures plundered from distant lands, glistening with the promise of untold riches.
As the bandit leader scanned their surroundings, a sense of unease settled over him like a heavy shroud. The peaceful tranquility of the countryside seemed to amplify the tension that hung in the air, stirring a feeling of apprehension deep within his chest. Suddenly, a sharp sound pierced the stillness, followed by a sickening thud as one of his men stumbled, a blade boomerang narrowly missing his side.
Before he could comprehend the gravity of the situation a figure emerges from the shadows draped in flowing white robes, that billowed like ethereal tendrils in the morning breeze. The bandit leader's breath caught in his throat as he saw the masked warrior.
As she drew nearer, the bandits found themselves ensnared in the mesmerizing dance of her movements, their hearts quickening with a mixture of fear and fascination. For here stood a warrior unlike any they had encountered before, her very presence a testament to the untold depths of her skill and resolve.With a swift and fluid motion, she unsheathed her weapon, the gleaming steel flashing in the dappled sunlight. In that moment, the air crackled with tension, the clash of steel against steel echoing through the stillness of the morning.The bandits, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, rallied to meet this unexpected adversary. But against the masked warrior's skill and prowess, they found themselves sorely tested, their every blow deftly parried with effortless precision.
Despite their best efforts to defend themselves, the bandits found themselves outmatched by the masked warrior's prowess.
In the aftermath of the skirmish, as the bandits lay battered and bruised upon the earth.

With his body aching and his pride wounded, the bandit leader mustered the strength to lift himself from the ground, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and defiance."Who are you?" he demanded, his gaze locked on the enigmatic figure before him. Despite the pain coursing through his body, his determination burned bright, fueled by a desire to unravel the mystery of the masked warrior who had single-handedly thwarted their plans.

With a chuckle that danced upon the morning breeze, the masked warrior regarded the bandit leader with amusement twinkling in her eyes."Well, my friend, you already know who I am," she said, her voice ringing with a familiar warmth.
"I am Chitra, daughter of King Vasudeva, and it seems I've stumbled upon a band of miscreants in need of a lesson."

"You are Princess Subhadra? Lord Govind's sister?"
he asked, his voice tinged with awe and apprehension.
Subhadra inclined her head in confirmation, her expression a mixture of determination and compassion.
"You all are going to carry this wealth back to Dwaraka," she declared, her words ringing clear and firm. "And you will take me with you."Her proclamation hung in the air, commanding obedience even as it stirred a ripple of disbelief among the bandits. They exchanged wary glances, uncertain of how to respond to this unexpected turn of events.But Subhadra's gaze brooked no argument, her unwavering determination leaving no room for dissent. With a sense of resignation, the bandits began to gather the spoils of their ill-gotten gains, preparing to embark on the journey back to Dwaraka with their newfound companion in tow.


Subhadra returns to Dwaraka, her demeanor composed as she sits at the edge of the carriage. As the gates of the palace swing open, she gracefully hops off and begins to walk inside. General Satyaka rushes towards her, concern etched on his face.

"Princess! Princess! What happened?" he asks urgently.

With a calm expression, Subhadra replies, "Nothing of concern, General. Take these prisoners to the dungeon. Keep them there for six months, or consult with Bhratha if they can be of any use," she instructs before striding purposefully into the palace.

 Keep them there for six months, or consult with Bhratha if they can be of any use," she instructs before striding purposefully into the palace

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