4 - The Jade Sword

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Suma soared gracefully through the azure skies, his wings slicing through the crisp mountain air as he traversed the breath taking landscapes below. The Vindhya Parvata mountains stretched out before him, their majestic peaks crowned with cascading waterfalls and verdant forests that seemed to stretch on for eternity. Nature's tapestry unfolded in all its splendour, painting a picture of unparalleled beauty that could only be likened to paradise itself. As Suma descended towards a cliffside mansion nestled amidst the rugged terrain, It was a sight to behold, a beacon of opulence and elegance amidst the untamed wilderness.
With a graceful landing, Suma alighted upon the shoulder of General Satyakka.
Suma leaned his beak towards his ear, Satyaka's eyes widened, the pair instantly made their way towards the imposing mansion, its grandeur evident even from a distance. With each step, the anticipation mounted, the rhythmic sound of their footfalls echoing against the rugged landscape. Upon reaching the entrance, Satyaka's hand grasped the ornate metal handle of the giant door, its weight yielding to his touch with a resounding creak. The sound reverberated through the hall, a testament to the solidity of the structure and the secrets it held within. Balrama, engrossed in his work, remained seated at the table, his demeanour calm and composed despite the interruption.
The pair entered the hall, as they approached Balrama, his presence seemed to fill the room, his aura one of quiet authority and inner strength. His calm and composed demeanour belied the gravity of the situation, a testament to his unwavering resolve in the face of adversity.

"Sire," Satyaka began, his voice resonating with reverence,
"Suma has brought urgent news from the region of Cīna Desha."
Balrama raised a single eyebrow, a silent indication for Satyaka to continue.
"The Jade sword has gone missing," Satyaka continued, his tone grave.
"The entire continent is in uproar. Panchala, Gandhara, and Kalinga have also sent troops to find the sword. The Cīna region is wreaked in havoc, the Shang, Zhou, and Qin dynasties are in battle. The Qin Empire is trying all it can to retrieve the Jade Sword."
Balrama listened intently, his mind already devising a plan to address the crisis.
"Satyaka, inform Princess Subhadra of the situation," he instructed, his voice firm.
"Ask her to undertake the task of retrieving the Jade Sword and returning it to the Qin Empire. She is our best hope in this matter."
"Yes, Sire!"


In her chamber, Subhadra sat before the mirror, perched on a stool atop a small table made of gold and ebony. The table was ornate, with intricate carvings along its edges, catching the soft light of the room.
Her attendants worked on her hair, combing and styling as Subhadra fought off sleepiness. They placed heavy ornaments, but Subhadra preferred something simpler.
"Why do you always give me these big things?" she sighed.

The attendant relented, swapping it for a delicate silver hairpin adorned with flowers. Subhadra smiled at the change.
Suddenly, Suma flew in through the balcony, with a letter tied to his right talon. Subhadra gently lifted him. She carefully untied the letter from his talon, her movements gentle yet swift.
She unrolled the small parchment scroll as she read it silently.
"What's it say? Princess! Is it another love letter from any wealthy prince?"
The attendants laughed and giggled but Subhadra remained calm and composed. Her eyes twinkling with amusement.
"The continent of Asia is in an interesting odyssey," she said with a smirk as she read the letter.
"My brother wants me to join in."
Subhadra removed her jewels and hair accessories swiftly.
"Princess, we just dressed you up, what are you doing?"
The main attendant complained.
Ignoring her attendants's protests, Subhadra tied her hair with a white ribbon. With a smirk of satisfaction, she left the chamber, leaving the attendants annoyed and disappointed.


In the bustling atmosphere of the Gurukul, Arjun and Nakul found themselves amidst a sea of students, their voices blending into a low hum of anticipation as they speculated about the purpose of Guru Drona's assembly.

"Nakul, any idea why Guru Drona called for this assembly?" Arjun queried, his expression a mix of curiosity and intrigue.

Nakul shrugged casually, his eyes scanning the gathered crowd. "Probably to assign us one last task before we head back to Hastinapur," he suggested, his tone tinged with a hint of excitement.

As they joined the orderly lines forming on the grounds, Arjun and Nakul exchanged speculative glances, their anticipation growing with each passing moment. The air crackled with anticipation as Guru Drona stepped forward, commanding the attention of the assembled students.

"Students," Guru Drona's voice rang out, carrying across the open expanse, "I have one final task for you before you depart for Hastinapur."

Nakul nudged Arjun with a smirk and said.
"See! I told you so."

Arjun couldn't suppress a chuckle at his little brother's knowing look, a sense of camaraderie binding them together amidst the uncertainty of the moment. They listened intently as Guru Drona continued to address the assembly, his words carrying a weight of importance.

"The Jade Sword of the Qin Empire has gone missing," Guru Drona announced solemnly, his words echoing through the gathering.
"Legend has it that this ancient artifact, once wielded by Devapi, the uncle of your great-grandfather Shantanu, hails from the mystical land of Shambala. It is said to possess the power to unlock the secrets of that fabled realm. But during the reign of your great grandfather Shantanu, it was stolen from us by the Qin dynasty of the Cīna region. Today, in order to assure your might to your ancestors, you are given a chance."
A ripple of murmurs swept through the crowd, the gravity of the situation sinking in as Guru Drona revealed the significance of their task.
"In response to this theft," Guru Drona continued, his voice resonating with authority,
"your granduncle, General Bheeshma, has deemed it necessary to dispatch teams of students on a quest to retrieve the Jade Sword and restore it to its rightful place. It is my fervent hope that each of you will rise to the challenge and honour your kingdom with your valour. You must retrieve the sword back to Hastinapur before those mlecchas take it again."
With a final nod of solemnity, Guru Drona concluded his address, leaving the students to contemplate the weight of their upcoming mission. Arjun and Nakul exchanged confused looks.

 Arjun and Nakul exchanged confused looks

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