8- Betrayel

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General Enlai sat in the dimly lit room, his once proud demeanour now replaced by a sense of defeat. His hands were bound behind his back, a tangible symbol of his captivity. As Subhadra entered the room, her presence seemed to cast a flicker of light into the shadows, her determination palpable.
"Where is the Jade Sword?" she inquired, her voice echoing softly in the confined space.
Enlai remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor, a testament to his unwavering resolve.
Subhadra sighed, the weight of their mission pressing heavily upon her shoulders. With measured words, she conveyed the gravity of their situation. "The Jade Sword holds more than just physical power. It is the key to unlocking the secrets of Shambhala, a realm of immense significance. Should it fall into the wrong hands, the consequences could be dire. The balance of the world hangs in the balance, and with it, the fate of all living beings."
Enlai shifted uneasily, the weight of Subhadra's words settling heavily upon him. He knew the importance of their mission, the stakes higher than he had ever imagined.
"We need your cooperation," Subhadra continued, her voice soft yet resolute.
"Fine, the sword is at the military camp of Zhou Empire at the Yan state. But it is heavily guarded, the soldiers must be waiting for me."
"Thank you, general. Come on!"
She said as she approched closer to him and took out her dagger, she held up his hand and cut the rope. She rushed out of the room, as Enlai followed her.
"He accepted to help, the sword is at the military camp of Yan."
"We must retrieve the sword and bring it back to Hastinapur."
Yudhishtir said with seriousness.
Subhadra's eyes widened in shock. She turned to face the Pandavas, her voice rising in alarm.
Yudhishthir looked at her, confusion in his eyes.
"The Jade Sword must be brought to Hastinapur. Its power and significance are too great to leave in the hands of others."
Subhadra stepped forward, her face flushed with anger.
"You are here for the sword in the name of the Kuru Empire? This isn't about protecting the world, is it?"
Bhima frowned, his eyes narrowing.
"Aren't you here for Aryavarta, Princess?"Subhadra shook her head, her voice filled with urgency.
"What? No! The sword must be in the hands of the Qin. I know your paternal grandfather was the owner of the sword, but the Qin are the only people who know how to protect it and keep it safe until the time comes when Shambhala must be opened."
The room fell silent as her words sank in. The Pandavas exchanged uneasy glances.
Yudhishthir turned to Subhadra, his expression serious but hopeful.
"But Princess, our grandsire Bheeshma knows the value of the sword. He won't let anyone misuse it, we promise."
Subhadra shook her head firmly. "You have no idea what that sword can do. Do you know that the material world you all live in exists only because there is Shambhala? Maybe the effect won't hurt now, but in Kali Yuga, when the world will be on the edge of destruction, only this sword will be there to protect the world. And you think I'll trust Hastinapur when your brother Duryodhana is there?"
Yudhishthir's face fell as he realised the gravity of her words. "Duryodhana is not to be trusted with such power," he admitted reluctantly. "But we can keep it safe, away from his reach."
Subhadra's eyes flashed with determination.
"It's not just about keeping it safe. The sword needs to be in the hands of those who understand its true purpose and can protect it until the time is right. The Qin dynasty has guarded the Jade Sword for the last hundred years. They know its power and significance. Can you honestly say the same for Hastinapur?"
The Pandavas exchanged troubled glances, the weight of the decision pressing down on them. They had always believed in their mission to retrieve the sword for their kingdom, but Subhadra's words made them question their intentions.
Yudhishthir's face tightened with resolve.
"Then we can't join you in this mission. If my brothers and I betray our land, we will be questioned by our people later!"
Subhadra chuckled in disbelief and anger.
"Are you serious? You were trying to manipulate Enlai here to give you the information while betraying his own land, but you yourself can't do it?"
Yudhishthir met her gaze evenly. "Maybe my brothers can, but I cannot! I can never do the unrighteous. If you want, my brothers, Arjun and Nakul, can help you retrieve the sword."
Subhadra's eyes flared with indignation.
"I don't need your pity help! Me, Satyaka, and Enlai can retrieve the sword ourselves."
She turned to Enlai, switching to his language.
"General Enlai, come with me and Satyaka. We will retrieve the sword ourselves. These guys are traitors."
Enlai, still bound but now understanding the gravity of the situation, nodded. He saw the fire in Subhadra's eyes, a determination that mirrored his own loyalty to his homeland. Satyaka, ever devoted, stood ready by Subhadra's side.
With determination in her steps, Subhadra led Enlai and Satyaka out of the mansion and into the cherry blossom meadow. The petals fluttered around them, creating a stark contrast to the tension in the air.
As they reached the meadow, Arjun hurried after them. "Subhadra, wait!" he called out, his voice tinged with desperation. "This isn't about pity. It's about doing what's right. We can work together."
Subhadra paused for a moment, her back to Arjun, then shook her head without turning around.
"No, Prince Arjun. If you can't see beyond your kingdom's interests, then you're no different from those who seek to misuse the sword. We will handle this."
Arjun watched helplessly as Subhadra, Enlai, and Satyaka continued their determined march through the meadow, they mounted their horses, Enlai joined Satyaka and sat behind his back on Satyaka's horse. Arjun sighed as he saw them disappearing into the distance. The remaining Pandavas stood in the mansion's doorway, a mix of guilt, frustration, and determination etched on their faces.
Yudhishthir turned to his brothers.
"We must return to Hastinapur and ensure that Duryodhana's ambitions do not lead him to the sword. We have our own battles to fight."
Arjun and Nakul nodded, though their hearts ached with the weight of the parting. They had come to respect Subhadra's strength and determination, and they hoped that their paths would cross again under more united circumstances.
As Subhadra, Satyaka, and Enlai made their way towards the Zhou military camp, the cherry blossoms fluttered around them, a reminder of the delicate balance between duty and destiny. They knew the road ahead was fraught with danger, but their resolve was unshakable. The fate of the Jade Sword, and perhaps the world, depended on their courage and unwavering commitment.

 The fate of the Jade Sword, and perhaps the world, depended on their courage and unwavering commitment

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