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Hello my baby kittens....

Next Morning......
They both doing there breakfast....
"My friends come today" yoongi said and jimin nod..
"What do you want to order" yoongi asked
"Order?" Jimin said confusedly
"Yeah order for food" yoongi said
"We don't have to order I can cook" jimin said
"Are you sure" yoongi said
"Yeah" jimin said
"We can order if yo-" yoongi said but didn't complete because jimin cut him off
"Didn't I cook good" jimin said with pout
"No i-" yoongi said
"No, means I didn't cook good" jimin said with big pout yoongi notice and chuckle at youngers cuteness
"Jimin I mean you cook good but how can you cook for 5 people" yoongi said
"Ofcourse I cook" jimin said with stare
"Okay if you want to" yoongi said yoongi about to take a bite of his breakfast Just before that jimin took plate infront of him....
"Jimin" yoongi said in cold voice
"You can order if you want" jimin said with pout
"Okay I m going" yoongi said in cold voice then he stood up and set his clothes for leaving while joining back him in kichen he start doing dishesh and he got shiver in his body....
"You know your stare is cute isn't scary anymore" yoongi said with husky voice while stood up back of jimin his chest touch jimin's back then he give him wet kiss on his neck and going to his work jimin stood there like a statue.....
"Such a pervert" jimin said and start his work after doing cleaning he thought that he didn't ask that when yongi friends come so he thought to call him....

Yoongi sit with his friends and he got call he saw that it was from jimin he answer the call immediately....
"Hello" jimin said with soft voice
"Soft voice look like someone's mood is okay now" yoongi said with cold voice
"Who said that" jimin said with cold voice but his cold voice also look like soft voice
"Oki Oki what happen" yoongi asked
"When your friends come" jimin asked
"They come with me maybe around 8" yoongi
"Okay" jimin said and cut the call without waiting for answer after cut the call yoongi smile madly that how cute is younger
"Hyung what happen who is on the call"  namjoon asked
"It's jimin" yoongi said with smile
"Looks like some one is love" hobi said with sunshine.e smile
"Hehehe, he is upset with me" yoongi said
"Why what happen" jin asked and yoongi tell them everything that what happen in morning and smile madly.......
"You live him right" jin said
"No he is just cute" yoongi said but his friends know what is reality.......
Other side jimin making dinner for everyone he is super happy that he meet someone after marriage he don't know how to react infront of his husband's friends after finish cooking he saw time and it's 7:10 he run towards his room and find something nice to wear then he going to take a shower after take a shower he come to room in towel he start to wear clothes in bottom he choose a skinny black leather jeans his chubby hot thighs are visible and for upper he choose a lit big black shirt  and tucked in his jeans his milky skin chest is visible coz he open 2 botton of his shirt then he set his hair and he looks handsome (A/N I m fucking blushing right now) then he hear yoongi car voice he come to downstair and open the main door for then he saw that there stood 5 people they look good.....
Yoongi pov.
I come home with 3 males then jimin open the door I notice him he wear leather who hug his thighs and a black shirt from his chest is visible and his mole on colorbone fuck that mole everytime took my attention when I m admiring him hobi disturb me.....
"Hyung it's your husband stare him after we going or not just stare do what ever you think right now" hobi whisper and I gave him death glare...
"Come in" jimin said in soft voice with smile

Next Chapter.

"He loves you"

Hey cuti kittens love you guys for supporting me love you so much vote and commet for knowing me how wa it otherwise I have connect with mafia agustd🔪

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