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My pov : I was sitting next to Ratau as he was telling me how he was the past leader of his own cult...and you know what?....he is actually pretty cool!

Me : and what did you do to heretics?

Ratau : i sacrificed them,or hipnotosed my followers into eating them alive...or i would just banish them or put them in jail until they would obey me again~

Me : thats...kinda cruel...and with that,i ment  the eating the heretic alive thing...

Ratau : one will understand,my young lamb~
*Puts his hand on her shoulder*

Me : thanks~
*Smiles at him* about a friendly game of knucklebones?

Ratau : friendly?

Me : yes!
We both dont put any money on risk,we just play it for fun~

Ratau : hmmmm....okay,sure!

(Meanwhile at the cult)

Carol : *takes a sun bath on a rock*

Leo : uhm...Carol,richt?

Carol : *looks at Leo*
Yes,thats my name...can i help you?

Leo :...i was wondering if i could bath in the light of the sun next to you...may i?

Carol :...sure,why not?

Leo : becous Cleo is my sister?

Carol : hey~
Just becous you two are family,does not make it mean that i hate you aswell~
You seem like a nice person...Leo,richt?

Leo : *chuckles* yes,thats my name!
*Sits next to her*...again,i'm so sorry for my sister...she has never been like this to any cat...dont take it wrong!

Carol : its okay~
You dont see me as a servant,and you did not mean that when you said cat~

Eclips : hey carol~
Hey Leo~
Can i sit down with you two?

Carol and Leo : sure!

Eclips : thanks~
*Sits down*
How are things going?

Carol : good!

Leo : i have been better,but i'm fine~

Eclips : same for me!
...can i ask you two something?

Leo : sure?

Carol : whats on your mind?

Eclips :...why do cats always sun bath?

Carol and Leo : becous the hairs of our fur are secretly tiny little sun panels!

(At night at Ratau,s house)


Ratau : hey little lamb,why dont you drink something with me and my friends?

Me : n-no thanks Ratau~
Its already getting late,and i should return to my cult i believe~

Ratau : they call live without you for a day little lamb,i promise~
Now come on,just try atleast 1 sip?

Me : *sigh*....okay then...1 sip!
*Starts to drink the alcohol*

Ratau and his friends : CHUG,CHUG,CHUG, CHUG,CHUG,CHUG!!!

Me : *drinks it all*

Ratau and his friends : YAAAAAAAA!!!

Me : *hicc*...that did good~
*Tries to walk away but almost falls onto of the table*

Ratau : *catches her*
Little lamb!
...are you alricht?

Me : huh?
.....i thwink?

Ratau : *looks at his friends*
what kind of alcohol did you guys tell me to give her?!

The snake : uhm....hard liquor?

Ratau : what?!

Me : is it-*hicc*-normal to feel like-*hicc*-this in your first time ev-*hicc*-ever drinking alcohol?


(A little bit later)

Me : *sniff*...i miss them...

Ratau : who?

Me : my parents...

Ratau,s pov : i see that tears are up filling her eyes,but she wont let the escape...poor girl...

Ratau : *hugs her*
Hey...if you wana cry the sadness that lives in your hart out...then go ahead little lam-

Me : *hugs his thight and cries while hiding her hace in his shoulder*
Why did those bishops have to sacrifice my parents,why?!
I loved them so much...*sobs*...i just want to see them again...*cries*

Ratau : *rubs her back*
Dont worry young lamb~
I'm sure that you will see them again~

Me : *snifs and looks at Ratau*
D-do you realy think that?

Ratau : yes~
And i dont only think that,i'm sure of it~

Me : *huges him*
Thank you...

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