Akari's Relationships

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On her first day at U.A., Akari thought she wouldn't make any friends nor thought her classmates would like her; turns out, all of that was untrue.


Hanta Sero

Sero was Akari's first friend. On her first day of school, after Midoriya asked her about her quirk, Akari froze up. Sero thought she ashamed of her quirk and wanted to talk to her about it, but things were stopping him from talking to her.

After school on their way to their houses, Sero and Kaminari spot Akari at the park by herself. They approach her, and when Sero thinks of his chances of getting to know Akari's quirk, he lies to Kaminari about a group of blonde girls being near. After Kaminari was gone, Sero sat down beside Akari and finally understood how she was feeling that morning and how she was ashamed of her quirk. He made her feel better by telling her his quirk and how quirks make people unique. They exchange phone numbers and soon become friends.

Out of everyone in her class, Akari is mostly close to Sero, despite their completely different personalities. Akari does have her moments whenever she gets annoyed with Sero, but that's rare.

In the background, she is shown to be talking to Sero a lot, implying that they are very sociable towards one another and don't mind each other's presence. Ever since they moved in the Heights Alliance building, Akari and Sero bonded more as they watched movies, listened to music, etc.

In My Hero Academia: Two Heroes, the two were seen with Sato eating dinner and later in a hotel room.


Denki Kaminari

Akari initially showed a disliking towards Kaminari, as she found him to be an annoying person. However, she warmed up to him after listening to Sero's words.

As a result, Akari and Kaminari are good friends, often talking to each other and hanging out, indicating a friendship between the two. As time went on, the two got comfortable around each other despite Kaminari's attempts of trying to annoy and tease Akari. He also tells her to step out of her comfort zone and live like the world's ending.

She can still get angry at him, according to an incident where he took her "journal" and she started lashing out at him, leaving Kirishima, Sero, Midoriya, and Jirou stunned.

Akari was one of the few people to know about his feelings towards Jirou, something he gets embarrassed of whenever she brings it up.

It was revealed that they attended the same middle school, Hanami Middle School. Kaminari never noticed her in school, and after realizing that she was "that girl", he felt embarrassed for not recognizing.


Fumikage Tokoyami

It was revealed that she admired Tokoyami for being dark and mysterious, something she can relate to. When they moved in the Heights Alliance building, she thought that his room was the best in her opinion.

The two haven't really talked much until after the School Festival Arc, where she went to him to get guitar lessons as she thought he did fantastic during practice and in the festival itself. It was revealed that they would invite each other to their rooms and get to know each other more.

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