First Day at U.A. High

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Hello! I decided to rewrite the first chapter of this book. If any of the characters sound out of character, then I'm sorry.


Ahh.. U.A. High School. Now, you're probably wondering, how did someone like me end up at a high school like U.A.? First of all.. let me introduce myself.

My name is Akari Tanaka, but I go by my first name, Akari. My parents made me participate in the U.A. Entrance Exam where I showed off my quirk in front of others. The teachers praised me and thought I was decent enough to attend U.A.. so here I am. They randomly put me in a class, which ended up being the class I heard so much about while watching the sports festival on TV. ..Yeah, I'm talking about Class 1-A. I didn't necessarily watch the sports festival, but heard about it on the radio and stuff. Class 1-A seemed like a big deal, they'd probably think of me as a lame classmate.

I have this... weird quirk that my parents thought were cool to them, but to me, it isn't so great. My quirk is so weird that I've decided to save it for my introduction in front of the class, something I absolutely hated doing.

Akari was in the classroom alone, sitting at the empty desk at the back. All she could do was examine the room and mutter words to herself about it.

It was five minutes before she heard the door open, where she looked up to see a guy walk in. Tall, well dressed, glasses—yep. Yep, he was definitely that type of person. No need to go any further.

The guy stopped when he saw Akari, blinking continuously. He hadn't seen her before, nor did he hear about a new students joining their class, but it wasn't like he needed to know. "Greetings! You must be the new student from.. from a school I have no idea about!" His voice boomed far too loud for this early morning. Striding over with bold confidence, the guy stopped in front of Akari's desk and stood at attention. "May I get your name?"

Akari was getting weird vibes from the guy. The reason was because she's never been greeted like that by anyone before. No one greeted her. All she could do was sit there and avoid eye contact.

The guy strode closer, apparently taking her silence as "As class president, allow me to be the first to welcome you on your first day in the Hero Course! It is an honor to have you here!"

Still, no answer from the girl.

Akari finally stared up at the earnest face, searching for any hint of guile or insincerity, But...dear god, this guy was completely serious and why was he chopping the air with his hands like that?

"Of course, as the first to welcome you. I believe it falls upon me to fill you in on various aspects of life in this class and other things you will need to know that you may not have already been informed about!"

Akari felt her eyes glaze over as her ears filled themselves with the peaceful sound of rock music, an automatic self-defense against the onslaught of words as the minutes slipped by.

"..and, as I have already stated, review and study sessions as well as quirk practice take place every night at 7 pm. Furthermore—"


Meanwhile.. with the others..

"So yeah, I heard we were getting a new student today!" Kaminari exclaimed happily.

"What do you think they'll look like?" Sero asked, looking up at the ceiling as he walked down the hall.

The blonde shrugged and whined. "Who cares about that, Sero? The real question is what gender you think they'll be. If it's a girl, she'll probably fall for Todoroki.. or me if the man upstairs agrees."

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