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Present Day

"Ugh! I don't want to take this bus!" she exclaims being irritated by the weather and pollution. Well recently pollution has gone down a little bit in this city, but still too much to irritate someone like her. Taking some tissues out of her side bag and wiping her face, she continues, "I just want to reach home and take a chilled shower." It's 12pm and at this hour, there is no way that we are getting a bus with empty seats from this street.

"Let's go buy some roses for your stupid boyfriend, and take a bus from there."

"He's not stupid."

"I know, but you are!"

"Then how is he stupid?" she asks it as a defense for her boyfriend.

"Well, he chose you, doesn't that makes him stupid?" I say this with a laugh. But wait! She seems offended, should I also buy a rose for her? Or her favorite sunflowers? Nah, she will be roasting back at me before we even reach the florist.

"Let's go" this time I say it gently after attacking her and the stupid boyfriend. She groans and starts walking. But she seems little more alive, that we are going to buy some roses for her stu... smart boyfriend, I guess!

After taking some steps, with a grin on her face that I can see even though she is wearing a mask, "Well, at least I'm not single like someone!" Ouch! Does she hates me more than she hates my ex? She definitely hates my ex more than I hate her though. But anyway, she's grinning! No need to buy her sunflowers now.

"How much for the rose bouquet?" she asks excitedly.

"250!" says the lady from behind the desk.

She takes the bouquet in her hands and looks at me, "Cash or Online?"

"What?" I ask her being confused.

"Well it was your idea to come here, so it would be unfair if I pay." she says with an even bigger grin on her face this time.

This girl is impossible! And that guy is definitely stupid too.

"Online!" I say it monotonously with a scammed look on my face while her grin is growing even bigger. I do the payment and come out of the shop and see her taking snaps of the bouquet already. Did I manifested to buy her flowers myself, or is she just clever enough to get it herself by her weird logic. Anyway...

I hold the bouquet and we cross the road to get on the bus. Buses on this street are less crowded. You can even choose where to sit, it's rather empty most of the times. I always take the windows seats, but I let her take the window seat and sit beside her. I used to give window seats to Barsha too.

"Do you hate me more than you hate my ex?"

"Yes of course, I hate you from the bottom of my heart." she says this with a laugh.

"But why are you asking this suddenly?"

"Well someone beside is you is single..." I say with my hands throwing up in the air.

"Oh!" She lets out a huge laugh. Me too.

"Then why don't you go back to your ex?" she says sarcastically.

"You want me to?" I just go along with her to know what she would say.

"Maybe I want to tell you a story that you told me once" she says laughingly.

I laugh remembering the story that I told her once about my ex "I know the story, But..."

"But what? That won't be right for you?" she asks curiously.

"No, there is no such thing as right or wrong. It's just about how we feel. And how we feel cannot be right or wrong. We either understand it, or we don't"

"So you didn't understood her?"

"I understood that being together with her was not gonna be beautiful. So here we are, the guy sitting beside you is single!" we both laugh again. And it's beautiful that we can laugh about something so painful from the past. Maybe because we are stupid. Stupid hearts who doesn't know what's right or wrong.

Like me and Aisha. Like me and Barsha.

But this 'me and Barsha' changed into a painful past very soon. Things can change pretty fast if you have a stupid heart. It can get pretty beautiful or pretty nasty, very soon.

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