Song Preference - The Moment I Knew - Taylor Swift

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"And the hours pass by, now I just wanna be alone, but your close friends always seem to know when there's something really wrong."
You pulled out your phone once more, the numbers on the screen jumping out at you, making you sigh and place it back in your pocket. Hours. Scott said he would be here hours ago. This wasn't the first time he was late or didn't come at all. It had happened on multiple occasions. After having a full on fight between you two about it, he had decided to have a small party, just your friend group and the two of you. He had sworn he would be there, but after a few hours, you had given up all hope. "What's up (y/n)?" Stiles asked, shoving more chips in his mouth as you smiled weakly. "Nothing," you said, taking a seat down on the couch next to Isaac who narrowed his eyes at you. "I've known you long enough to know that's a lie," he said as now everyone in the room looked at you. "I'm just...not feeling to well, I might just go home," you said, starting to stand up. "Another lie," Isaac said sadly, as you realized he could hear your heartbeat and tell you were lying. This just made you more upset as tears started to prick in your eyes, everyone gathering around trying to comfort you.
"What do you say when tears are streaming down your face in front of everyone you know? And what do you do when the one who means the most to you, is the one who didn't show?"
You had felt Stiles and you drifting apart. You had talked to him about it, him telling you that it was just that there was a lot going on in his life. After assuring you that everything was okay with you two, he had promised to attend this party that your family was throwing. He absolutely promised he would be here. Now as you stood surrounded by your family members and a few friends, you couldn't help but let a few tears escape your eyes. You saw that a few people started to stare, but you couldn't control the tears that were now traveling down your wet cheeks. You saw your older sister run up, taking one look at your face before knowing exactly what was wrong. Of course she knew Stiles, you two had been dating for what seemed like forever. "Come on (y/n)," you sister smiled weakly, bringing you out of sight of your guests. "You don't need him," she cooed as you cried onto her shoulder, letting it all out.
"And there in the bathroom, I try not to fall apart, and the sinking feeling starts, as I say hopelessly "He said he'd be here."
Closing the door behind you quickly, you put both hands on the side of the sink trying to level out your breathing. After a few moments, you lifted your head up to look at yourself in the mirror. You looked like a complete mess, your eyes slightly red, tear marks beginning to appear on your rosy cheeks , your lips slightly quivering. You felt completely weak as you rubbed at your cheeks, almost begging yourself to calm down. "He said he's be here," you mumbled under your breath. You were completely devastated that Derek didn't show up, but you were determined to not be broken by this. You fixed your makeup that had been running down your face before taking another few deep breaths. Unlocking the bathroom door, you walked out silently, knowing you were not going to forgive him for this.
"Standing there in my party dress, in red lipstick, with no one to impress, and they're all standing around me singing "Happy Birthday to you," But there was one thing missing"
Today was your birthday, and you couldn't be more happy. Your parents had planned a giant surprise birthday party for you, even inviting all of your friends. As you made your way around the room in a navy blue dress that Lydia had brought you, you couldn't help but let your eyes wander around at all the people. "Did you invite Isaac?" You asked your mother as she stood with a few of your family members. "Of course I did honey, he said he would be here," she smiled, looking around before looking back at you. "Is he not here?" she asked as you smiled weakly. "I'm sure he's just late," you said as you continued to make your way around the room, making small talk but your mind being far away. As minutes and then hours passed, you couldn't help but feel drained. He didn't come, and that was the moment you knew.
A/N: Tell me what you guys think! I love feedback and this was my first song preference so I don't really know how I Anyway, request away! <3

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